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Words & Music: Sidi Othman ibn Yahya Cherki (Traditional Moroccan/Islamic)
English translation by Dr. Tim Winter (Abdal Hakim Murad)
Performed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Tanbour performed by Seyed Ali Jaberi
Dafs performed by Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi
Recorded @ Crosstown Studios & Andante Studios
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video Editing & Post Production @ Andante Studios
Colour Grading @ Elements Cine Productions
Aerials by Aerovista - Aerial Film Productions Munich
Cinematographer: Thomas Markert
Pilot: Dr. Sven Schmid
Published by Resonance Music FZE Administered by Fairwood Music (UK) Ltd for the World
A humble slave am I of an almighty Lord.
No work is too hard for that One who’s adored.
But though I’m a beggar who cannot afford
To claim any strength, sure and strong is my Lord.
He says, where He wills, when He wishes a thing,
just “Be”, and it is, by the might of a King.
The ruler whose edicts and wise rulings bring
All blessings and grace by the might of a King.
I haven’t got the force,
No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse
when the Maker provides?
I haven’t got the force,
No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse
when the Maker provides?
Ana ‘abdu Rabbī lahū qudratun
A humble slave am I of an almighty Lord.
Yahūnu bihā kullu ’amrin ‘asīr
No work is too hard for that One who’s adored.
Fa-’in kuntu ‘abdan ḍa‘īfa l-quwā
But though I’m a beggar who cannot afford
Fa-Rabbī ‘alā kulli shay’in qadīr
To claim any strength, sure and strong is my Lord.
Minnī ash ‘alayā wa ana ‘abadun mamlūk
I’m but a humble slave, what should I worry about?
Wa-l-’ashyā’ maqaḍīya mā fi t-taḥqīqi shukūk
All affairs are ordained, of this there is no doubt
Rabbī nāẓir fiyā wa ana naẓarī matrūk
My Lord sees everything, while my sight leaves much out
Fi l-’arḥām wa l-’aḥshā’ min nuṭfa ṣawwaranī
In the womb, He formed me from a drop
Ana mā lī fiyāsh, ash ‘alayā minnī
I haven’t got the force, No strength between my sides
Aqliq mir-rizqī lāsh, wa-l-Khāliq yarzuqnī
Why feel such remorse when the Maker provides?
Allāhumma ṣalli ‘ala l-Muṣṭafā, ḥabībnā Muḥammad ‘alayhi s-salām
O Allah, send your blessings on The Chosen One
Our beloved Muhammad, Peace be upon him
I’m safe in the shade of his all-knowing height
And no strength have I — His all power and might.
So glory to God, his bounty shining bright,
All gratitude and praise are His due and His right.
He says, where He wills, when He wishes a thing,
just “Be”, and it is, by the might of a King.
The ruler whose edicts and wise rulings bring
All blessings and grace by the might of a King.
#Fiyyashiyya #SYBarakah #samiyusuf