Noticiero Latinoamericano 20-05-1963
"Fidel Castro's trip to the USSR continues"
Fidel CASTRO continues his trip to the USSR by visiting Uzbekistan and Volgograd.
- Before leaving Moscow, he meets Dolores IBARRURI, La pasionaria, a great anti-fascist fighter and general secretary of the Spanish Communist Party.
- In Uzbekistan, he visits the Registan Square, mosque and medersas, in Samarkand, in the company of the Cuban delegation. He then takes part in a traditional meal, in a kolkhoz, accompanied by an orchestra and traditional Uzbek instruments. Applauded by the crowd at a meeting, he is dressed in the traditional Uzbek national costume.
- In Volgograd, a walk on the Volga with young women, then a visit to the Volgograd dam and the large hydroelectric power station. He then went to the tractor manufacturing plant,
very applauded on his way. - Parade in an official car, the crowd cheers him along the road. He ends his visit at the central stadium in Volgograd where the crowd has gathered to cheer him.