Éva Rosenberg, an old peasant woman, lives her everyday life with inner peace and serenity, cutting wood, cracking corn, raising livestock, working in the fields, singing, praying. We only learn about her fate when, once while kneading dough, the camera zooms in on the number burned into her arm. That's when the half-century-old pain and complaint bursts out, that she was dragged along with her parents and siblings to Auschwitz, where her entire family perished in the gas chambers and she was the only one that came back. In the synagogue, where they once celebrated together, she finds only crumbling walls overgrown with weeds, the cemetery was plowed up, the tombstones were thrown away and it became a potato field. After forty years, Éva decided to visit her native village, Tiszacseke, to meet her former neighbors. Some embrace her with joy, others turn away, they don't want to recognise her...