Streets of Tokyo, 1913-1915. (Color, Speed, Sound adjusted)
The footage you see before you was taken just after the death of Emperor Meiji in 1912. He was responsible for overseeing the Meiji Era (1868-1912) in which Japan transformed from an isolationist, feudal state to an industrialized world power.
Interestingly enough, the catalyst for such drastic change can be attributed to an American by the name of Matthew Perry, who was a commodore of the U.S. Navy. In 1853, Perry visited Japan for the first time, refusing demands to leave immediately. He fired his cannons and threatened to destroy the Japanese if they dared to attack his ships. Japan was forced to sign a treaty allowing unrestricted trade with the U.S. and soon had to sign treaties with European powers as well.
Japan quickly realized that if they did not modernize and adopt western ideals, they would end up like China. During the first Opium War (1839-1842), China went to war with Great Britain because they wanted to end the practice of British merchants selling opium to Chinese merchants. Great Britain was able to easily defeat the Chinese due to superior military technology. China was forced to grant trade concessions and favorable tariffs to the British who continued to ship opium grown in colonial India to Canton. By 1890, it is estimated that 15 million Chinese people were addicted to opium. China was also forced to open up their ports and cede Hong Kong to the British.
During the Meiji Era, the samurai lost their status and power. Japan knew that if they wanted to effectively fight against the western powers, they needed to implement conscription and build a modern army that used rifles and cannons. They began to industrialize and create factories to produce modern weaponry.
In 1902, Japan created an alliance with the British, which was a first between a European and Asian country. The purpose was to counter Russia's expansion into East Asia, which neither party wanted. In 1905, Japan shocked the world when they defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.