With pleasure I want to present my new video clip about Koh Chang Bang Bao.
I hope you will enjoy!!!
Bang Bao at an Island Pace
For many years, Bang Bao was the classic Thai fishing village with life centred around a narrow pier of traditional wooden stilt houses and boats moored up ready for sea. On land, more houses, some with their own small jetties, were dotted around the beautiful large bay, local shops clustered along the little soi leading from the main road down to the pier and a school and temple sat on the mountain side. Nowadays, much of that has changed as tourism has replaced fishing as the principal source of income and the village has established itself as the island’s main point of departure for the myriad of competing trips exploring the archipelago, both above and below water. The stilt houses have been converted into the odd homestay, a few dive shops, a handful of large seafood restaurants but, in the main, into a plethora of almost identical shops, rammed to the gunwales with souvenirs. Small offshoot structures have been added with guesthouses or private dwellings and around the bay itself, there are resorts, bungalows and a large condo development.
Bang Bao Koh Chang on the pier
The pier has been extended to accommodate the numerous dive, speed and snorkel boats, with them tied up two or three deep along the now concrete jetty, which sports a new lighthouse at its far end. At the start and end of each day, as the tourists set out and return, the narrow cramped walkway leading up to the boats is the busiest place on the island. Nonetheless, outside of rush hour, there is lots to explore and sitting out over the water for lunch or dinner is still a great holiday experience. Whilst this is not a beach area, that is another couple of kilometres further south at Bang Bao Beach Koh Chang or back to Lonely Beach to the north, there is good ACCOMMODATION from budget to boutique around the bay and on the pier. The atmosphere is peaceful and laid back, with a few boats still fishing and unloading their catches and locals living their lives in amongst the hustle and bustle as they have always done. There are also some quite wonderful views thrown in for good measure.
Bang Bao – Around The Bay
Heading south from Bailan Beach, the road snakes and curves around the coastline, skirting through the forest past the odd building, with DARA, a private rehabilitation centre, sitting at the top of the last hill, before you drop down into the outer reaches of Bang Bao itself. Shortly afterwards, on the corner with Asia Backpackers, with its bungalows laid out on the hill above, a small road leads towards the sea. This takes you to the north side of the bay, where bungalows, resorts and homestays are spread out, all with great views across the water. The narrow soi passes the track down to Remark Puzi Bungalows, which you can also access from near the pier and then a heavily gated entrance to Nature Zone Eden Village, a private development that never properly began. After a few more twists and turns, it reaches Cliff View Resort, bungalows in tiers up the hill and Cliff Cottages next door, with Nirvana Resort and its Tantra Restaurant at the end, on the sea. The northern shore of the bay and its headland is very narrow at this point and Cliff Cottages, its restaurant and some of its bungalows actually look down over the rocky inlet behind, with Nirvana Resort also having its own cliff-edge walk and viewing deck, so you can watch the sunset from this side. Bang Bao Koh Chang at the start of the pier
The road goes straight through Nirvana Resort and out the other side and becoming more of a track, curves past Homestay Bungalows before climbing up to Bhuvarin Resort and Resolution Resort, both of which have their buildings spilling down the steep slopes towards the water. At the very end, you can drop down to Khao Nok Homestay with its restaurant, bungalows and wooden jetties and beyond them, it is possible to venture down a ...