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This is snake boy! In Cambodia, a seven year old boy has befriended a giant Burmese Python, which could squeeze him to death!
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Seven-year-old Sambath has bonded with a killer snake. He calls it Chamreun, meaning lucky. Some would say Sambath's lucky it hasn't crushed him.
Giant Burmese pythons have been known to turn on their owners. But Sambath sees his pet as a lifelong friend.
It's not the kind of reptile you'd normally want as a house guest. When it first crawled in, it was the size of a thumb.
Now it's big enough to squeeze a man to death.
Yet neither Sambath, nor his parents, are concerned.
Lucky certainly likes to play to the camera. At times I couldn't help thinking only a mother could love it.
For now, every free moment is spent with his special friend. His parents have come to accept Sambath's appetite for snake affection. The rest of the village is hoping the snake's only appetite is for chickens.