How to grow pine tree seedlings from pine cones the lazy and easy way.
How to grow, plant, germinate, propagate pine seeds easily hassle free, without even trying to or putting any effort.
Just collect pine cones from beautiful pine trees that you like, and pine cones that you like and that appeal to you. Pile all of the pine cones up in the top of your other plant pots. You can even pile the pine cones on the ground if you want around trees and bushes, and flower beds as a decorative feature and to use as a beautiful natural mulch. water them every once in a while throughout the year as you water your plants or trees. Just basically forget about them, and let mother nature do it's thing. One more tip, mine are in full sun.
Have fun. Keep collecting beautiful pine cones throughout the year to add to your beautiful natural mulch.
If you want to increase your success rate, gather up more cones. The more cones, the more possible seedlings and baby pine trees.
Relax, gardening is easy and enjoyable when you can step back and watch mother nature do its thing naturally.