This song is about daydreaming and creating fantasies because you are too scared to fall in love. Falling in love without the other party feeling the same way. The wound of knowing that there will always be a cycle you can’t escape: falling in love, fantasies, heartache, and repeat. The angst and the raw emotion of heartache without love. The anger towards someone so clueless that doesn’t realize you are there.
Director, Production Manager, Camera, Editor, Sound Designer, and Foler Artist: Lana Mack
Co-Director, Production Assistant, BTS: Carolyn Cardoza
Executive Producer: Gil Gastelum
Hair + Costume Stylist: Esperanza Munoz (Espie)
Makeup Artist: Vivian Pichardo
Music and lyrics: Camila Huijsmans & Kenli Mattus
Producer: Kenli Mattus
Drums: Paul Hernandez
Mixing engineer: Manuel Calderon
Mastering engineer: Marco Ramirez
Bass, Guitar, & Keyboard: Kenli Mattus
Thank you to everyone who made this song possible! This is a dream come true ❤️
⬇Here’s where else to find me ⬇