Directed and animated by: Pete Voutilainen
Produced and written by: Stobe Harju
Production company: Khimoo
Mixed by Mikko Karmila, Tero ”Teecee” Kinnunen and Tuomas Holopainen at Finnvox Studios
Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios
Produced by Tuomas Holopainen
Child of mankind
Of yesterwynde
Sway away the woe in us
A grateful soul never needed much
Emanate the heavens
Through your touch
Sway over the mountaintops
Soar over the swaying crops
Adorn your garden with
A perfect day
Sway over the discontent
Ghost stories in a tent
Your house lands on the witch
See yourself
It has begun to snow again
In this perfect village, home
The birds have flown, the birds have known
Where you rest your worn out wings
Sway over the mountaintops
Soar ovеr the swaying crops
Adorn your garden with
A perfеct day
Sway over the discontent
Ghost stories in a tent
Your house lands on the witch
See yourself