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Greetings. Eric Bekker New Zealand naturopath. Thanks for checking out the video. Today we're going to talk about parasite cleansing. Best parasite cleanse ever. On how to really get that gut in great shape. Don't be afraid of a parasites. Don't be scared of these things. I would say over half of the people out there are now currently globally with a parasite of some sort.
So many people have got these bugs. Even without knowing about it. There's an increase incidence of parasites the last several years and it's only getting more and more and more. It's escalating.
People are traveling more than ever, travel's cheap. People are moving around the globe a lot. There's more people than ever on the planet and there's more people moving than ever. Of course this means transmission of different microbes around the place, including parasites.
They don't always necessarily have to come from third world countries. A lot of the American people I see, have parasites. A lot of European people I see have got parasites. The smartest thing you can do though guys, is assessment. It's good to check out what you've got lurking internally, and a comprehensive stool test is the way to do it.
If you don't want to do a CSA, a comprehensive stool assessment, do a parasite cytology. You do it times one, two, or three. You can have one stool sample, two, or three stool samples.They're not that expensive, so this is a great way to assess what's going on inside.
A good example is a patient I had last week from Ohio, in America. Who'd been on a candida treatment for several years. When we got the stool test results back, she had four different kinds of parasites inside her gut.
She didn't have any candida at all. She had a chronic lack of beneficial bacteria and she had all these different parasites. And two of them were in the four plus count. They were very high. So assessment will not only tell you what you've got, it will actually tell you how big the problem is. Right, so think about that.
I recently just watched now on YouTube a very prominent American man whose featured a lot on YouTube. He talked about parasite cleansing but he didn't talk about assessment. He just talked about treatment.
He talked about supplements right away and about eating you know what water pumpkin seeds eat and stuff but there was no mention at all on assessment. There was talk about colonics, but no talk at all about assessment. So to me if you're not going to assess something, like parasites, before you start treating it, it's like you're going in the ocean without a map or a compass.
You've got no idea where you're going or what direction you're heading in or how successful you're going to be.
So labs now are very, very good at doing this. So ask your primary doctor for a proper parasite assessment. Ask your naturopathic doctor. Ask your chiropractic doct...