A grieving mother cannot "move on" after her son's death, keeping his room as it was, wanting her younger boy to be like his dead brother. A youth leaves juvenile detention, going home to an angry father and a lonely young step-mother. A college teacher whose brother has autistic behaviors separates from his wife and is attracted to a student. The narrative discloses slowly the mother, youth, and teacher's connections to a car accident. The paroled youth talks to the dead boy's girlfriend and must sort out his relationship with his step-mother; the professor encourages his brother to go on a date. Can the mother see her living son for who he is? In what ways can each be normal? In what ways can each be normal?
Andrew Airlie
Carrie-Anne Moss
Cameron Bright
Michael Riley
Camille Sullivan
Kevin Zegers
Britt Irvin
Callum Keith Rennie
Allison Hossack
Lauren Lee Smith
Tygh Runyan
Tara Frederick
#normal2007 #andrewairlie #carrieanneoss #cameronbright #michaelriley #camillesullivan #kevinzegers #brittirvin #callumkeithrennie #allisonhossack #laurenleesmith #tyghrunyan #tarafrederick
death of son
death of friend
car accident
punched in the face
husband punches wife
young stepmother
incest overtones
caught masturbating
fondling breasts
wrapped in a towel
kissing while having sex
taboo sex
rough sex
loud sex
sex scene
sexy step mother
sex with stepmother
sex with stepson
stepmother stepson sex
stepmother stepson affair
stepmother stepson relationship
brief female frontal nudity
female nudity
female rear nudity
female topless nudity
male nudity
male rear nudity
sex with collegiate
teacher student sex
older woman younger man sex
father and son have sex with the same woman