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Update 8/25/08:
Today, it was time to say Goodbye to our friend Buddy, and send him on his final journey. His health deteriorated rather rapidly, and we made the choice to let him go in dignity and without suffering.
He will be missed, always be remembered and forever be the lead dog of our pack. Farewell, my friend!
Update August '08:
Buddy's arthritis is slowly getting the best of him. Medication and/or natural supplements don't really do the trick anymore, and though we do keep his weight down (he's just over 70lbs now) his old bones and joints are slowly wearing out.
There are frequent questions about Buddy's breeder and if there are puppies etc. Buddy was a rescue at 1.5 years of age, so there are no offspring and no puppy pictures of him, sorry.
Also, frequent questions about Husky's temperament and their ability to live in warm climate. Please see the following sites for more information about Huskies and rescue organizations:
Please rescue! There are 1000's of Huskies (and all other breeds) in need of a good home. Please do not support puppy mills. If you feel the need to buy from a breeder, please do your research and buy from a reputable one. Huskies are not for everyone. Please research the breed!
Update July '08:
100000 hits for Buddy! Thanks to all of you in YouTube Land. Buddy's still hanging in there, trying his best to keep his old and achy bones moving.
Update April '08:
Wow, 50000 hits for Buddy. Just in time for his 12th birthday on the 16th. Thanks everybody!
Our senior Siberian Husky "Buddy" demanding his breakfast.
After receiving some rather odd comments about Buddy (and myself), here's some additional information:
Buddy is all Siberian Husky, not Wolf or Malamute mix. Yes, he's very large (27" at the shoulder, plus lots of thick coat) and his weight of just about 80lbs is proportionate to his size.
I know he's larger than breed standard, which doesn't take anything away from being a Siberian Husky (a 6'6" human is still a human, wouldn't you agree?).
He will be 12 years old in April '08 and has been dealing with arthritis since he was about 8 or 9.
He gets all the exercise his joints can handle and is on a low cal diet to keep his weight where it is.
A note to the genius who told me to "get off my fat ass and get him some exercise":
How would you exercise an arthritic 12 year old Husky? Sign him up for the Yukon Quest?
If you had taken a minute to read the description, you would have noticed, that we do run our Huskies the way they were meant to: in teams, pulling carts and sleds, as long as they're physically able and have fun doing it. A 12 year old arthritic Husky would neither be able to nor have fun doing it.
...and yes, I do get my own exercise on a daily bases, too, running and hiking with the Huskies.
For more about Buddy and his Siberian Husky friends, please see