The Boca Raton mall killer is the opposite of the I-70 killer, first the money (drug addiction/gambling), second: kill the victims who were his preys, vulnerables without man/ and child (Nancy and Joey, Jane Doe and Her Son) or female (Randi) alone. This guy is antisocial...he enjoyed the hunt: plastic zipties, sunglasses, handcuffs, he had a method...he knew what he does, kidnap, rob and kill rich women who has black SUV with dark glass (easy target), 'cos they had money, good neighborhood. Not too difficult. A mom with kid is better, because she will do everything for her child, easy to control her.
Later he disappeared, murders stopped. What happened with this monster? Maybe overdose...sooner, better, terror ended. But who was he?
Drive thru ATM? Really? In my country we have only drive thru fast food restaurants. I think this type of ATM is dangerous, because of these psychos. I'm glad here isn't. U.S. as developed country...ha-ha. Rather stupid. They aren't enough regulated. The land of freedom, aha! Strict rules, more safety.
I don't want to live in the U.S., the country of fool, idiot, lunatic lefty neoliberal democrats (war maniac Biden administration) and serial killers. Go, Republicans / Mr. Trump, go! Peace!
19:26 Sweet Little Girl...
25:23 Beautiful Cutie Pie...The Birdie!

Not Jesperson.

Perfect name for him is 'Monster' or 'Rat', but definitely not 'Raven'.
Dirty rat. Not a beautiful bird.
The disgusting, cunning tricks of a last, dirty rat...hateful!

"Jesperson's first known victim was Taunja Bennett on 21 January 1990, near Portland, Oregon, United States. He introduced himself to Bennett at a bar and invited her to a house he was renting. After getting in an argument with Bennett, he strangled her to death with his hands and disposed of her body." (Wikipedia)
YT comments: the mall killer's sketch look like serial killer Israel Keyes. Keyes never killed children (if I know well) and he wasn't a broke ass hispanic, like this idiot mall killer, he was a white guy. Keyes committed suicide, the only good thing what he did in his miserable, f.cked-up, tiny life.
About Mall Killings:
Is he our "client"?:
Maybe not, 07/18/2013...The Mall Killings are still unsolved...2024.