These are adverts from the TV broadcast of Dumbo from 1990. It's taken a time to be able to upload these after the troubles with my video recorder last year, but finally I can start uploading some of these. There are two ad breaks in total and include a "Before They Were Famous" face in the shape of Baby Spice herself, Emma Bunton, in a Milky Bar advert. The ads also feature a pre-Downton Abbey Jim Carter in an AA advert and a genuine legend in Cab Calloway in those Hula Hoops cartoons I remember from my youth. The adverts are as follows:
1st break: McDonalds (Microbots toys); Weetos cereal (Spinning Tops); Skittles sweets (Teenagers at cinema); Lego (Spacemen); Anchor half fat cream (Cow at tennis); Hula Hoops crisps (Cab Calloway - Cinema), and McVities Pizza (Flat couple animation).
2nd break: Milky Bar (Circus - Emma Bunton); Milk (Tennis girl); Flora extra light butter (Sunflowers); Sugar Puffs cereal (Boy Scouts in Tent); Woolworths (New Kids on the Block video); Lego (Spacemen), and AA (Jim Carter - Wedding delivery breakdown).