ATTENTION!! download ALL mix (58 min) here:
i'm sorry for the copyright on youtube, just 15 min on the mix, but download ALL mix (58 min) in description
my page on facebook:
01. Marky Mark & Prince Ital Joe - United (ext mix).mp3
02. Marky Mark & Prince Ital Joe - Happy people (long vers).mp3
03. Dr Alban - It's my life (ext radio vers).mp3
04. Go - Let's all chant (club chant mix).mp3
05. J & Scott - I gotta feel it (remix vers).mp3
06. 2 Raff - Don't stop the music (smooth jamaican mix).mp3
07. Culture Beat - Got to get it (Raw Deal ext mix).mp3
08. Double You - Heart of glass (club mix).mp3
09. Cappella - Move on baby (original vers).mp3
10. Cool James & Black Teacher - Dr Feelgood (SFC mix).mp3
11. Lip Service - It's a miracle (ext dance mix).mp3
12. Superfly - Is it love (euro club mix).mp3
13. Double You - Got to love (club mix).mp3
14. Digilove - Give you love (culture mix).mp3
15. Basic Element - Leave it all behind.mp3
16. Basic Element - The promise man.mp3