A handful of pearl barley with a few pieces of meat along with a piece of Italian PANNETONE and a hot aromatic tea were handed to the hungry and frozen street people of the Republic of Moldova.
It's not easy to sit on the edge of the streets with the hand stretched out when it's cold, when it's snowing or raining. Many of us find it easier to criticize either their past or the current government for its interference, but the reality of our lives is different. By criticizing in this way, we want to feel that we are better than they are. By highlighting the "bad" or "mistakes" that people around us do, we feel that we are better and our EGO feels good! When somebody wants to do something good, he/she is not looking for a reason to do it, but is looking for an opportunity.
In gloomy and rainy weather some are not ashamed to stand on their knees before the people, begging for a piece of bread. This pregnant woman has knelt in the middle of the street, asking for mercy from the people. Some people ignore her and move on, others stop and pull something out of the pocket to share with her. A mouthful of warm food with hot tea and a piece of Italian PANETTONE is the biggest gift someone can get in cold winter time.
We have found this street woman under the ladder of a store right in the middle of the city; many passed by without noticing it. But for us, she was a treasure since the warm food has been prepared for such people.
Going forward, we have noticed a woman looking for something through the garbage cans of the national park. Stopping her, we asked if she would like to eat something hot, and she explained that she could not hear. While our children handed her the holy gifts from God’s heart, she could not stop her cold tears flowing out of her frozen and hungry soul. The hot tea warmed her soul. Looking at her, our hearts became crushed by pain, and being moved by God, we decided to share with her the little we had in our pockets so that this woman could have resources to live for a few days on. Wiping her tears, she could not stop hugging us. I would like to mention that these tears of joy are due only to those people who have confidence in us and have entrusted us the little they have in order to give us the possibility to take care of those in need and those suffering. Seeing her wet feet, somebody took off the warm stockings and put them on her. This woman did not know what to think about us, she did not know how to thank us. But we do not need to be appreciated by humans; the sincere desire of our hearts is to be appreciated by God, because only God will reward each one according to one’s deeds. We would like to let you know, brothers, that we are praying continually to remain faithful, transparent, and humble before God, because this ministry has the power to feed thousands of souls every day. These two pure-hearted children gave her a hug from God. I had the feeling that the sky had opened and the angels were glorifying God!
The mission and the goal we want to accomplish in 2018 is to continue ministering in the following spheres:
1. orphans in boarding facilities
2. elderly people
3. homeless people
4. vulnerable families and families with lonely children and old people
Your trust in God motivates us and gives us the power to go further and share those “five loaves and two fishes” with the needy ones.
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Misiunea și slujirea noastră pentru 2018 este pentru a slugi în continuare în
1.Toate internatele cu copii orfani din Republica Moldova.
2.Toate azilurile de bătrâni din Republica Moldova.
3. Slujirea oamenilor fără adăpost din Republica Moldova.
4. Slujirea familiilor vulnerabile, familii cu copii, bătrâni și bătrâne singuratece.
Și așa după cum a menționat apostolul Pavel (Încolo, fraților, rugați-vă pentru noi ca să se răspândească și să fie glorificat Cuvântul Domnului, cum este la voi, și să fim scăpați de...