0:00 1.Introduction to the course\1. How to use this course
3:01 2.Present and Past tenses in simple and continuous\1.Present Simple V Present Continuous and STATE VERBS
16:34 2.Present and Past tenses in simple and continuous\3.Past Simple V Past Continuous
24:02 2.Present and Past tenses in simple and continuous\5.Tricky Irregular Verbs
36:32 3.The Present Tense in all Aspects\1.Present Perfect V Past Simple
50:57 3.The Present Tense in all Aspects\3.DO, IS DOING, HAS DONE, HAS BEEN DOING
1:05:36 3.The Present Tense in all Aspects\4.HAS DONE v HAS BEEN DOING
1:17:57 3.The Present Tense in all Aspects\6.All the present tenses V past simple
1:27:52 4.The Past Tense in all Aspects\1.DID, WAS DOING, HAD DONE, HAD BEEN DOING
1:40:14 4.The Past Tense in all Aspects\3.The past and present tenses in all aspects.
1:50:06 5.The Future Tense in all Aspects\1.WILL DO, GOING TO DO, AM DOING, DO
1:59:46 5.The Future Tense in all Aspects\3.WILL DO, WILL BE DOING, WILL HAVE DONE, WILL HAVE BEEN DOING
2:08:11 5.The Future Tense in all Aspects\5.The signal words for all the aspects
2:26:06 6.Questions\1.How to Form Questions in English
2:34:05 6.Questions\3.Subject and Object Questions (with and without auxiliary verbs)
2:40:42 6.Questions\5.Reported and Indirect Questions
2:47:29 6.Questions\7.Auxiliary Verbs
3:03:53 7.Reported Speech\1.Reported Speech and the Sequence of Tense
3:18:54 8.Active and Passive forms\1.Passive and Active Forms
3:38:31 8.Active and Passive forms\3.Causative
3:49:29 8.Active and Passive forms\5.The Passive in complex forms
3:59:06 8.Active and Passive forms\7.Ergative Verbs
4:06:21 9.Modal Verbs\1.Modal Verbs of Speculation and Deduction
4:21:32 9.Modal Verbs\3.Modal Verbs of Obligation, Necessity, Criticism and Advice
4:33:51 10.Conditionals\1.CONDITIONALS Zero, First, Second, Third
4:52:56 10.Conditionals\3.CONDITIONALS Mixed and Pseudo Conditionals
5:04:38 11.Subjunctive and Inversion\1.Subjunctive
5:24:45 11.Subjunctive and Inversion\3.Inversion
5:40:26 12.Gerunds and Infinitives in all Aspects\1.Gerunds and Infinitives (simple forms)
6:01:44 12.Gerunds and Infinitives in all Aspects\3.Gerunds and Infinitives (complex forms)
6:26:34 12.Gerunds and Infinitives in all Aspects\5.Noun + (to + infinitive)
6:40:15 12.Gerunds and Infinitives in all Aspects\7.Participles
6:58:49 13.Reporting Verbs\1.Reporting Verbs
7:25:48 13.Reporting Verbs\3.More Reporting Verbs
7:40:03 14.Relative Clauses\1.Relative Clauses
8:04:29 15.Adjectives and Comparison\1.Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives
8:18:06 15.Adjectives and Comparison\3.Comparisons
8:36:48 16.Determiners and Articles\1.Determiners and Countability
9:02:02 16.Determiners and Articles\3.Articles 1 (A summary)
9:30:00 16.Determiners and Articles\5.Determiners
9:48:43 16.Determiners and Articles\7.Articles 2 (Definite or Indefinite)
10:06:21 16.Determiners and Articles\9.Articles 3 (Existential Clauses)
10:15:29 16.Determiners and Articles\11.Articles 4 (Body Parts)
10:18:36 16.Determiners and Articles\13.Articles 5 (Article or No Article)
10:27:39 16.Determiners and Articles\15.Articles 6 (Quantities and concepts)
10:33:56 16.Determiners and Articles\17.Articles 7 (Abstract nouns)
10:41:33 16.Determiners and Articles\19.Gerund or Verbal Noun
10:58:20 17.Confusing Vocabulary\1.Used to + INF V beget used to + ING
11:10:21 17.Confusing Vocabulary\3.IT v THERE
11:20:39 17.Confusing Vocabulary\5.SO V SUCH
11:40:08 17.Confusing Vocabulary\7.AS V LIKE
11:53:15 17.Confusing Vocabulary\9.SAY V SPEAK V TALK V TELL