01 Course Introduction \
00:00:00 Welcome & About This Course
02 Getting Started with Designing APIs \
00:02:55 Introduction
00:03:48 What is API_
00:06:33 Why Should You Design API_
00:10:23 STEP 1_ Create a New API
00:15:09 Types of API
00:19:03 STEP 2_ Identify the Type of API
00:20:18 Should You Change the Existing API Design_
00:23:18 Summary
03 Overview of RESTful APIs \
00:25:14 Introduction
00:27:01 How HTTP Works_
00:30:20 Parts of a HTTP Request
00:37:36 DEMO_ Parts of a HTTP Request
00:42:26 What is REST_
00:46:38 DEMO_ API in Postman
00:54:56 URL vs URI
00:58:18 STEP 3_ Identify the Server Base URL
01:01:25 Summary
04 Designing API Resources \
01:04:15 Introduction
01:06:01 Resources should be Nouns
01:09:33 STEP 4_ Identify the Resources
01:11:18 Resources should be Collections
01:15:22 STEP 5_ Have the Resources as Plural
01:17:26 STEP 6_ Define the Resource Models
01:20:17 Use Unique Identifiers
01:22:08 STEP 7_ Select the Identifier for Each Resource
01:24:13 Non-resource Data should be Query Parameters
01:27:04 Summary
05 Designing Associations between Resources \
01:29:24 Introduction
01:30:54 Defining Relationships between Resources
01:36:02 STEP 8_ Identify the Association for Each Resource
01:39:40 URL Shouldn’t be Complex
01:44:22 STEP 9_ Check for the URL Complexity
01:47:32 Combine Related Resources
01:51:37 Summary
06 Designing API Operations \
01:54:13 Introduction
01:55:34 Overview of HTTP Operations
01:58:39 Common HTTP Operations
02:06:30 Selecting Operations based on Individual Item or Collection
02:12:45 Idempotent Methods
02:16:50 Differences between POST, PUT, and PATCH
02:20:17 STEP 10_ Identify the Operations for Each Resource
02:23:52 Summary
07 Designing API Requests \
02:25:42 Introduction
02:27:02 Designing Request Parameters
02:31:02 STEP 11_ Identify the Parameters Required for the Operation
02:35:49 Designing Request Content
02:38:59 STEP 12_ Identify the Content Type of Request for the Operation
02:39:44 STEP 13_ Identify the Request Body for the Operation
02:49:34 Summary
08 Designing API Responses \
02:51:55 Introduction
02:54:36 HTTP Status Codes
03:01:47 Designing Status Codes in Responses
03:06:48 STEP 14_ Identify the HTTP Status Codes for the Operation
03:16:20 Choosing the Format of Responses
03:20:07 STEP 15_ Identify the Content Type of Response for the Operation
03:22:55 Designing Response Body
03:26:19 STEP 16_ Identify the Response Body for the Operation
03:43:35 Designing Error Handling
03:51:12 STEP 17_ Handle Errors for the Operation
03:52:41 Summary
09 Design for Filtering, Pagination, and Sorting \
03:55:51 Introduction
03:57:44 Support for Filtering Data
04:00:44 STEP 18_ Identify the Need for Filtering and Add If Needed
04:04:33 Support for Pagination of Data
04:08:38 STEP 19_ Identify the Need for Pagination and Add If Needed
04:12:39 Support for Sorting Data
04:15:52 STEP 20_ Identify the Need for Sorting and Add If Needed
04:19:02 Summary
10 Designing API Versions \
04:21:12 Introduction
04:23:05 Why you Should Version APIs_
04:27:05 Ways to Version APIs
04:28:33 Approach 1_ No versioning
04:32:53 Approach 2_ URL Versioning
04:41:46 Approach 3_ Query String Versioning
04:49:27 Approach 4_ Header Versioning
04:54:45 Approach 5_ Media Type Versioning
04:57:19 STEP 21_ Identify the API Versioning Scheme and Set the API Version
05:00:11 Which Versioning Approach to Use_
05:03:16 Summary