Bad kitty! Cat owner scratched and bitten while making a video plea to give away the 'lovely' pet
This is the moment a woman attempts to sell her 'lovely' cat in a video appeal moments before it starts attacking her.
The unidentified pet owner is seen sat on a couch at home presenting the kitty to the camera.
'I decided to get rid of my lovely cat,' she says in an American accent, as the feline suddenly issues an untimely bite on her hand.
'He’s free, with a litter box!' the woman adds, determinedly soldiering on with her sales pitch.
However, the cat continues to scratch and bite her, completely contradicting his supposedly 'lovely' nature.
The woman then attempts to woo viewers by throwing in free cat food. She says that he usually 'loves to play' and puts his naughty temper down to teething.
'He’s very loving and kind,' she adds
But again the cat pounces on her, administering yet more puncture wounds.
In a bid to get her presentation over with, the woman tells the cat to 'go away'. Appealing to families wanting a pet, she continues: 'He loves kids. If you have have bad kids especially let him play with them.
'He’s very affectionate He’s fixed, he has all his shots, he doesn’t spray.'
Despite being such an 'amazing' pet, the woman says she wants to find him another loving home because she travels a lot.
Finally, exhausted by trying to present the cat in a positive way, she gives up.
She concludes : 'This cat is stressing me out. I don’t want him anymore. If you want him let me know and I will pack him up in a box today and give him to you for free.'
To date the video of the failed cat sales pitch has been watched more than 27,000 times since it was uploaded to YouTube.
Despite its bad behavior many viewers have offered to adopt the pet.