Voltaj – De la capat (All Over Again)
Music: Voltaj & Deepside Deejays
Lyrics: Voltaj & Deepside Deejays, Monica Stevens, Andrei Leonte
Producer: Voltz Media / Cat Music
Musical Producer: Metropolitan Records http://metropolitanrecords.ro
This music video has footage from the short film "Way of the Danube"
Directed by: Sabin Dorohoi
Associate Producer: Alex Traila
Constantin Dinulescu
Razvan Schinteie
Serena Stanciu
Cinematography: Lulu de Hillerin
Edited by: Razvan Dimitriu
Production designer: Stefan Lazar
Costume Designer: Daniel Ignat
Produced by Western Transylvania Studios - Western Transylvania Studios
Video Director and Post-production: Dan Petcan
DOP: Bogdan Filip
Zebra Film
The children of today are tomorrow’s future.
If you can help: http://www.delacapat.ro
Partners: World Vision Romania http://www.worldvision.ro/
Habitat for Humanity Romania http://www.habitat.ro/
http://www.voltaj.ro http://www.facebook.com/Voltaj
Cantec de-ar fi viata mea
Vesel, trist, tot l-as canta
Nu as rata nicio nota
Rau de-ar fi l-as inota
Pan’ la mare l-as urma
Nu m-as opri niciodata
Stii ca
Viata n-are buton de rewind sa
Poti sa intorci ce-ai pierdut
Nu poti nici sa o pui pe pauza
Cand nu stii ce-i de facut
Daca maine noaptea n-ar mai avea vreo stea
Daca intruna vantul spre mine ar sufla
Tu ai fi motivul, tu ai fi motivul sa pot
Sa pot s-o iau de la capat
Daca maine cerul ar fi prea plin de nori
Daca nicio raza nu m-ar atinge-n zori
Tu ai fi motivul, tu ai fi motivul sa pot
Sa pot s-o iau de la capat
As zbura chiar si-o noapte-ntreaga
Spre zorii-n care ai fi tu
Ploile n-ar putea sa-nteleaga
De ce nu cad cand sunt tot ud
If the stars tomorrow, no longer shine on us,
If a strong wind takes me and I will turn to dust,
You will be the reason, you will be the reason to start,
To start all over again.
If the sky clouds over, with darkness never gone,
If the sun stays hidden, not waking in the dawn,
You will be the reason, you will be the reason to start,
To start all over again.
To start all over again.
To start all over again.
To start all over again.
Sa pot s-o iau de la capat.