This is MY Cat and MY Dogs! They all LOVE each other and sleep together every night. Colosseum Kennel's The Legendary Phantom play's with one of his Best friends, Spike OUR black cat.. Phantom is 16 months old and showing you that he is still just a BIG puppy bouncing around and running the fence line with Spike.
The Awesome Fight Between a Cat and a Pitbull ! Who Will Win The Fight ??? The DOG or The CAT ?? what do you think ??
14 yr old kitty, Poppy, had to be euthanised due to serious internal injuries.Kedinin Pitbull ile imtihanı Some of these videos of cops shooting dogs and killing cats will make you furious; others will just make you sad. Police forces exist to uphold the law and protect citizens from criminals and officers are usually equipped with guns, batons, tasers or other weapons to protect themselves and the public from danger. Occasionally, police will turn their weapons on animals; sometimes in legitimate self defense, sometimes because Shows why they used these guys were continuously bred for use in blood sports & fighting. Their persistence & jaws that can grip to anything no matter what, which is sadly an important trait in this fighting breed.
Cat VS Dog. Max in the Box VS Pit Bull Sharky