Share-A-Pair, a project to get shoes to Armenia's children, needs your help!
Launched in the Los Angeles area by Kristen and Bridget Abajian, and Sophia Dilsizian, this effort's goal is to provide 1,000 quality pairs of shoes to Armenia's needy children.
When we lived in Armenia, and in later visits, we saw the difficult conditions orphan and extremely poor children live in. We decided to dedicate our time and effort to helping Armenia's children by trying to fill the important need for shoes. While having one extra pair of shoes for us here in the U.S. doesn't mean much, a pair of new shoes for an orphan or a very poor child in Armenia is very valued. Please consider helping us help these children.
The goal of raising $10,000, which will provide more than 1,000 quality shoes for children, will hopefully be reached with the help of friends and supporters around the country. Soon after Share-a-Pair, a project of The Paros Foundation, started formally, chapters in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Detroit, Michigan joined the effort in Los Angeles and the South Bay area. We hope to reach our goal and deliver the first batch of shoes to both children in the orphanages and other children in need in the summer of 2011.
Share-a-pair is able to purchase one quality pair of shoes for $10. Donations are welcomed in any amount. 100% of the proceeds will be spent buying new shoes and putting them on the feet of children in need. Donations of new practical shoes in all sizes are also appreciated and welcomed. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and be sure to visit us on facebook. Thank you!