Aşkın ile aşıklar yansın ya Resulallah
İçip aşkın şarabın kansın ya Resulallah
sol seni sevenlere kıl şefaat anlara
Mümin olan tenlere cansın ya Resulallah
sol seni seven kişi verir yoluna başı
İki cihan güneşi sensin ya Resulallah
Aşık oldum dilzare bülbül oldum gülzare
Seni sevmeyen nare yansın ya Resulallah
Aşık Yunusun canı ilmi şefaat kanı
Alenlerin sultanı sensin ya Resulallah
Söz: Yunus Emre (
müzik: Doğan Ergin
Makam: Nihavent
English Translate:
Let the Lovers Burn With Your Love
Let the lovers burn with your love ya Resulallah
Let them drink the wine of love until they are satisfied
The one who loves you will not be afraid to lay his life for you
The sun to both worlds it is you ya Resulallah
Intercede for the ones who loves you
You are the beloved for the faithful flesh
I fell in love with your beauty, like nightingale in your rose garden
Let the one who doesn't love you, be tormented
The lover Yunus, the source of knowledge and intercession
The sultan of the universe, is you ya Resulallah
Lyric: Yunus Emre (13th.century)
oğan Ergin
Cura Bağlama-Vocal: Özgür Baba
Bendir-Vocal: Gökçe Es