Surah An- Nasr | Chapter 110; verses 1-3 [Full]
This video is with Arabic Subtitles and also has English and Bangla translation.
সূরা আন নাসর । সম্পূর্ণ বাংলা অর্থসহ ।
This is the last complete chapter that was reveled to the Prophet(SAW). By this time, Islam was the religion of most of Arabia. It has been a long struggle and the people were happy to be Muslims. After the Prophet(SAW) recited this chapter, he said, "The people (of the world) are on one side, and me and my companions are on the other side. There is no more migration after the takeover (of Mecca). All that is left for Muslims to do is jihad (working hard in Allah's cause) and to have good intentions (about what they do)."
It is narrated that whoever recites this Surah in compulsory prayers will always be victorious over his enemies. On the Day of Judgement he will be given a book in which it will be written that he is free from hellfire. Recitation of this Surah in the prayers ensures that the prayers are accepted. The one who recites this Surah frequently is held in the same status as those who were with the Holy Prophet (SAW) when Makkah was conquered.
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