Winnie-the-Pooh (Russian: Винни-Пух) is a 1969 animated film by Soyuzmultfilm directed by Fyodor Khitruk. The film is based on chapter one in the book series by A. A. Milne.
Khitruk studied the original book by Milne first in English and only later in Russian, translated by Boris Zakhoder who became a co-writer of the first two parts of the trilogy. Khitruk had not seen the Disney adaptations while working on his own. He created the prototype drawings of the characters together with Vladimir Zuikov, a fellow animator from Film.
Khitruk followed the original book by A. A. Milne and based his first two parts of the trilogy on the Pooh's love for honey. However, while Milne accentuated the relationships between a boy (Christopher Robin) and his favorite toy Pooh, Khitruk removed Robin and made Pooh the leading character; his narrator is a "true" narrator who has no relation to the story whatsoever. Pooh is balanced by the Piglet; they are best friends and are present in all parts of the story. While Pooh always takes the initiative, he often seeks advice and help from the Piglet. The main reason to remove Robin was to exclude a vastly superior character (a human), and put all others at an equal level.
Khitruk followed his style and drew all scenes in two dimensions. His animation was relatively simple and slowly paced compared to other Milne adaptations. Instead, Khitruk put much emphasis on the dialogues and timing – every move of his characters and every character line are intended to bring hidden details and irony to viewers of all ages.
Винни-Пух (англ. Winnie-the-Pooh) — плюшевый мишка, персонаж повестей и стихов Алана Александра Милна (цикл не имеет общего названия и обычно тоже называется «Винни-Пух», по первой книге). Один из самых известных героев детской литературы XX века. В 1960—1970-е годы, благодаря переводу Бориса Заходера «Винни-Пух и все-все-все», а затем и фильмам студии «Союзмультфильм», где мишку озвучивал Евгений Леонов, Винни-Пух стал очень популярен.