A sweet girl barely six years old stunned the world of television, with his interpretation of black metal, accompanied by his brother, who incidentally is also a minor and has an amazing command of the battery; them together , stunned the jury left 'American's Got Talent'.Aaralyn and Izzy O'Neil performed a powerful song called "Zombie Skin", where suddenly, the sweet girl who stepped on the stage, practically transformed and interpreted a grim voice.While the jury of model Heidi Klum, told the girl that despite her sweet looks, skin escarapelarle achieved its performance. Mel B, who became famous as part of the Spice Girls, said: "Scary Spice is officially scared" ("The Scary Spice is officially scared").In concluding his presentation, the jury did not hesitate to approve their entry to the next stage of the competition, and were dismissed from the stage accompanied by loud applause from the audience.