Feruza Tajik singer - Delam Gom shoda ... Tajiks make up 50% of Afghanistan's population but they are not Afghan or Afghani since Afghan is the name of Pashtuns, a minority ethnic group in southern afghanistan. Its an offense to refer to a Tajik Afghanistani as an afghan or afghani, Tajiks of Afghanistan refer to themselves as Parsizaban, Tajik, Farsiwan, Khorasani, Ariaye, etc. but not afghan or afghani since afghan is not only the name of another ethnic group which was imposed on khorasan by the british in late 19th century, but also afghan is the embodiment of everything that is evil and bad today. Terrorism and terrorist, drug dealing and drug smuggling, opium cultivation, pedophile, suicide bombing, women beating and savagery is what Afghan is known for today so no one with a common sense would associate himself with this filthy name.