Oath to the people of Ukraine
Full translation in English
" UKRAINE, Holy Mother of Heroes, come down into my heart, fly with a storm of the Caucasian winds with a brawl of the Carpathians streams, with a rumble of battles of honoured warrior Chieftain Khmel, with a triumph and bellow of the cannons of Revolution and peal of Sophia's Cathedral Bells.May my soul in You revive, enlighten with Your Glory, as You, Holy Motherland, are my life, as You are all my Happiness.
Sound me with chains clanking and gibbets creaking in hazy mornings; bring me screams of those tortured in cellars, jails and in exile so that my Faith would be granite and my vigour grow up with courage, so that I’d bravely go into battle as our Heroes did for You, Holy Mother, for Your Fame, for Your Sacred Ideas in order to get revenge for the disgrace of slavery, trampled honor, mockery of torturers, innocent blood of murdered children of Yours, sublime death of heroes of the Ukrainian Nation and thousands of others unknown to us, whose bones scattered or dug-in by stealth.Burn with lifegiving fire all the feebleness in my heart. Let me feel neither fear nor hesitation. Endow me with a sound spirit, harden my will, dwell in my heart! In jails and bad times of my clandestine life raise me to the purest ranks. In those ranks may I find a sweet rest and, if deemed, my end in the throes for You.And I dissolve in You, and live everlasting life in You, IMPERISHABLE UKRAINE, HOLY, MIGHTY AND UNITED!"
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