CITESTE! READ! [English below]
Te intrebi vreodata ce mai fac personajele documentarului Constantin si Elena?
Dupa cum stii din film, Elena scrie poezii. Pentru o poezie, inspirata din fapte reale, a compus si o linie melodica simpla, poezia devenind singura ei compozitie muzicala. Cand a urmarit filmul, singurul repros al Elenei a fost ca n-am folosit cantecul asta in film, asa ca l-am inclus, mai tarziu, ca bonus pe DVD.
I-am vizitat pe cei doi impreuna cu talentatul prieten Cristofor Aldea-Teodorovici, iar Elena l-a invatat melodia ei. Asta e ce-a iesit dupa doar cateva minute de incercari.
Pe 9 ianuarie, in urma cu 61 de ani, Constantin si Elena s-au casatorit. Acum au fost surprinsi sa auda urarile de aniversare: nu le trecuse prin gand ca e zi de sarbatoare. Probabil ca data nu conteaza prea mult la varsta asta.
Ever wonder how documentary characters Constantin & Elena are doing these days?
As you know from the film, Elena writes poetry. For one poem in particular (a sad one, inspired by real facts), she felt she could sing it. She invented a simple melodic line and it became her only self-written song. When she watched the film, her only complaint was that this song was not in the edit. Since then, I included it as a bonus on the dvd release.
And now, when I brought the very talented Cristofor to pay them a visit, Elena taught him her song. This is what came out after just a few minutes.
We visited them on January 9th. On this day, 61 years ago, Constantin and Elena got married. They were surprised to hear our "Happy Anniversary!" as it never crossed their mind it's celebration time. I guess the date is not really important when you're in your 80s.
Sorry the song isn't translated