Donna Eden presents a daily energy routine, from her course, The Energy Medicine Kit. Start the self-guided course today:
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About Donna Eden
Donna Eden is the author of Energy Medicine (Putnam Publishing Group, 1998). She has treated over 10,000 individual clients and has taught hundreds of classes, speaking to standing-room-only audiences throughout the United States, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and South America. Able from childhood to perceive the body's subtle energies, she works with those energies to heal others and to teach others how to work with them.
About the Energy Medicine Kit
With The Energy Medicine Kit, Donna Eden -- acclaimed healer and energy medicine expert -- invites you to learn the unspoken language of your body to boost your energy levels, address many specific health problems, and foster overall health.
You begin by learning a powerful Daily Energy Practice that combines simple movements, pressure point massage, and breathwork to create a reservoir of vital life force that you can draw upon throughout the day. With both video and audio guidance, Eden teaches you more than 30 specific, on-the-spot energy healing exercises to strengthen your immune system, alleviate fatigue and chronic pain, focus and sharpen your mind, stabilize your emotional energies, and much more.
Sounds True was founded in 1985 by Tami Simon with a clear mission: to disseminate spiritual wisdom. Since starting out as a project with one woman and her tape recorder, we have grown into a multimedia publishing company with more than 80 employees, a library of more than 1500 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time, and an ever-expanding family of customers from across the world. In more than three decades of growth, change, and evolution, Sounds True has maintained its focus on its overriding purpose, as summed up in our Mission Statement.
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Energy Medicine Kit, released April 1, 2005
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