Укроп - це маленький хлопчик,
Що носить коротенький чубчик
і мріє про мир у домі
А як треба то стане в окоп в обороні!
In Russian, "Укроп" (ukrop) means dill (as in the herb). It became a derogatory slang term in the war-torn eastern Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine used by separatists to indicate Ukrainian soldiers and volunteer fighters. Ukrainians took ownership of the term as a patriotic label and soon not only the name, but the image of dill weed, became a popular part of the Ukrainian fight to maintain the integrity of their borders.
A Ukrainian rock group Haydamaky wrote a song "Ukrop" that has become a hugely popular success. As the Ukrainian folk instrument, bandura, has been called "the voice of Ukraine," is it only fitting that talented individuals of the Bandura at Bobriwka workshop arranged this song to be played on bandura so our kids could play it in honor of the fight for freedom happening now in Ukraine.
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