قصيدة: تناقضات ن. ق. الرائعة
من ديوان: أحبك والبقية تأتي
للشاعر: نزار قباني
الفيديو تصميم وإخراج: شادي الحاج
I am making no profit from this video and it is for personal entertainment purposes only. The poem is for the poet نزار قباني . from a wide known published book called : أحبك والبقية تأتي.
All other trademarks (such as music, voice and pictures), are properties of their respected owners, I do not claim to own any rights to the trademarks. Music and voice are simply used as the base of the video, I do not own any rights to the tracks or the pictures used in the video.
The video is my creation as in combining music, voice and pictures all together in a timed show following the poems words as it shows in its final form I uploaded. I, Therefor, clear my name from any person who would use this video in any other form than his own personal entertainment purposes or claiming any rights in the music, pictures or voice.