Speak the truthful word
otherwise you will be called to account for your promises.
Troops you haven't seen!
From a single Soul, enemies to each other.
Come down to Earth!
I created genies and people!
Bring your proof
if you are telling the truth.
Is the Qur'an worthy of study?
Only the hypocrites don't understand.
We will thrust fear into their hearts for
that they gave Allah equal.
Allah will multiply My knowledge.
Little are you grateful!
Allah does not need Worlds!
I am your highest Lord.
Lord of the east and west?
Sirius Lord!
It is He who made you laugh and cry.
We worship them
so that They bring Us closer to Allah.
Who makes it out of you,
he has no share in future life.
The Bedouins said: We believed!
Take the punishment from us.
We are only a little off punishment.
It is impossible to turn away the power of Allah,
from a dissolute people.
Bring Me ten suras like this!
Do not delude yourself in your Religion without Truth.
Were we unrighteous?
Don't ask Me about it.
This deed is not righteous, He is not from your family!
Has the story of Musa reached You?
3Only hypocrites do not understand!
Did the Jinn understand?
We have been careless in our study of the Qur'an.
You will not harm Allah in any way,
Allah will dishonor the unbelievers.