Motorhead Magazine's theme in issue
#16 is "Japan Tuned" and with that comes a 4K tribute film about two very special cars on one of Japans most famous touge courses, Gunsai. Piloted by NOB Taniguchi he attacks the Gunsai touge in two very different cars, a heart vs head battle if you will.
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この動画に登場したR35 GT1000+とR32 GTR Gr.Aのインカー走行ビデオが付録として収録された『モーターヘッド16号』が全国書店にて絶賛発売中! GT1000+のインプレッション記事も掲載されているので要チェック!!
Director : Luke Huxham
Producer : Ko-hey Takada, Motorhead Magazine & Luke Huxham
Music : Slava Korystov
GFX : Edward Khoma
Driver : NOB Taniguchi
Special Thanks : HKS & HKS Technical Factory