Luqsor: One Hundred Gates to Thebes
Indisputably the world's largest archeological area, Thebes of Egypt, modern Luxor. lit. the city of the Camps, gives you the impression that you have reached destination.
By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Waset was for the ancient Egyptians of the 2nd and the 1st millennia "the city" par excellence, Niout. For the humble visitors, Niout was almost the center of the then world. The palatial district, Deba, altered by the Greek visitors into Thebai, won an unprecedented high place of luxury, imperial authority, knowledge and wisdom, religious and political supremacy, artistic work and grandiose plans. Several of them never came to be true, like the golden obelisk of Hatshepsut, but who says that the Mankind ceased to dream?
Risen to political power only at the middle of the second pre-Christian millennium, Thebes became the synonym of extravagant wealth, probably collected by the Pharaohs of the New Empire in their expeditions in the South, in the vast land of Kush, in the area of today's northern Sudan, and in the North, in Palestine, Phoenicia and Syria. Tuthmosis III was the first Pharaoh to reach the then faraway Euphrates in Mesopotamia! At those days, no other city in the world could match Waset in military power or beauty. We did not excavate much of the palatial or residential areas of the City, but we have every reason to believe that a sublime beauty was to be found there: ancient Egyptian pictures of houses, gardens, fields, palaces and feasts offer us a furtive glimpse of the paradise-on-the-Nile. There was love for the nature, piety and serene thought; everything took place under the auspices of the first Trinity in the World History: Amun, Mut and Montou, a holy family whose last and younger member was usually confused or identified with Khonsou, the Moon. Quite paradoxically, Amun was a political god and did not offer much for a debate in metaphysics. And yet, on the other side of the river, the supreme masters of Kemet, the "Black" as Egypt was then called, consecrated a large portion of their treasures for their expensive trips in the Hereafter.
These "trips" took a great part of wisdom to be carried out! Who has ever known the technicalities and the formalities of the embalming better than the Egyptian masters? Who developed theories about the Judgement of the Souls more sophisticated than those contained in the frequently quoted in the tombs Book of the Hours? And all these zoo- and anthropomorphic gods that scared so much the Greeks and the Romans were just animal gods or configurations of basically transcendental concepts and traits?
All came here; the Babylonians, the Mitanni, the Hittites of Anatolia, the area of today's Turkey, the Canaanites of Ugarit, the Phoenicians of Byblus and Tyre, the Minoans from the island of Crete, the Greeks of Mycenae. One Hittite prince came even to get married with the widow of Tutankhamun, the notorious Ankhesenamun, who wrote a letter to the Hittite king and urged him to send her someone, being not sure about the intentions of Ay, the high priest of Amun, since he intended to ascend to the throne of Thebes through such a marriage.
Then, after the victory of Ramses III over the Sea Peoples, a very slow decay characterized Thebes in times of division of Egypt; even then, despite its limited political power, Thebes had an edge over all the rest: an immense past and a legendary name of radiation that only Babylon could claim to match. Wenamun, the priest of Amun, moved from Thebes to Byblus, around 1075 BCE, and found strange that Tsekker Baal of Byblus did not comply with his request for valuable cedar wood, necessary for the construction of the holy boat of Amun, and did not fear, when hearing the name of the past glories. No rich tombs were to be hewn in the western mountains any more, but rather the whole city was to be considered as an entire mausoleum and therefore venerated as such.