Make sure to check out the link above of my friends who flew me out to Africa! I'll be releasing several videos in the next couple of months from our adventures!
VenTribe is a sweet new way of shopping online with your family and friends, and there website is just now getting launched!!!
My friend Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this video! You can download it on iTunes in the link below!
Make sure to check out Stephen's website in the link below!
And a super huge THANK YOU to the amazing singers featured in the music, Jennifer Rasmussen(the soloist), Rabecca Lord, and Shaun Cannon.
Shaun is an amazing singer songwriter who you should all check out and follow:
Ventribe flew Lindsey Stirling ( and I out to Africa.
We made several videos out there! This is just the first of several. The main one I did with Ventribe will be released on May 2nd! So make sure to check it out!
And for those asking, this was filmed in Kenya. On a Canon 5D Mark II. With a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens.
And last but not least, make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook, it's the cool thing to do these days
For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: