Baku Olympic Stadium
Baku Olympic Stadium is to be one of the prominent city landmarks of the city Baku of Azerbaijan. It is planned to be situated near city entrance, on 50 Ha estate bordered by Heydar Aliyev boulevard in the south-east, and Boyuk Shor lake in the north, between Azizbeyov and Sabunchu cross-roads.
It takes the aim to create a gravity point where modern architecture meets the urban citizen and to give a new insight to modern sportive structures.
The Design Theme
Architectural character of the structure is formed by five interlocked shells with the circular platform placed on these asymmetric coverings. Five circles on Olympic flag symbolizing five continents are represented by five piece structure which forms the outer shell. Peoples` olympic spirit with sportive and cultural interaction on the different continents is represented by the image of motion on platform symbolizing the Earth.
The outer shell that covers the stadium transforms the roof into facades emphasizing its character. The shell maintains its presence over the whole project from approaching the structure and till inside the arena. The white facade as in the background of olympic flag is expressive also at nights through the exterior lightning with colors symbolizing the continents.
Baku Olympic Stadium along its unique architectural concept will be constructed on very exceptional site with its views to Boyuk Shor lake and proximity to city center and airport . The site of the stadium is situated on lake basin which will be gained after the ecological sanitation (purification) treatments. The processes of biological, chemical and hydrologic treatments in the area of fuel oil settling still continue. After all ecological sanitation processes of the basin, the first settlement of this new city center will be the Olympic stadium.
Stadium capacity is 64.000. Number of tribunes is increased on marathon section (zone) where viewing is more comfortable and they are decreased in back of goals. The elliptic form of athletic tracks surrounded by tribunes creates a complete circle on the outside. There are planned standard spectator tribunes, CIP and VIP tribunes, media tribune and protocol tribune. Besides there are press lounges, CIP and VIP lounges which give a chance to enjoy the watching the games indoors.
A city center living 365 days
Baku Olympic Stadium was designed in way to satisfy the criteria of all international sportive authorities. Along with these technical requirements the structure`s use is diversified by non-sportive functions making it the center which lives 365 days in a year.
Aiming to create an urban center by using the complex for non-sportive events; there are spaces for festival halls, performing arts, museum, concert, exhibition hall, shopping center, health and fitness club, restaurants, office spaces, information center.
Multi-Functional Complex
Besides the technical assignment to provide spectators` entrance, the platform that is defining the stadium has a major contribution to stadium`s visuality as an architectural element.
Platform horizontally creating a visual line (level) on structure mass, also creates a plane separating sportive and non-sportive functions of the structure. Non-sportive events are to be organized under this platform, thus providing easy management and security control.
Approaching visitors will reach the stadium passing through secure entrance control and get to the shopping areas situated on under-platform grades. In compliance with evacuation plan visitors may take the shortest way to reach their places and leave speedily the structure on an emergency. VIP entrance, ambulance, fire engine entrances, sportsmen buses entrances, media vehicles entrances, referee stuff entrances are separate from each other and are provided independent entrances specified by its functions.
Interior Design
Interior design`s main intention is to create each planned function a s...