Welcome to the depths of the underworld! In this video, I take you on an in-depth journey through Dante’s Inferno, and a breakdown of all nine circles of Hell, from Limbo to Treachery. The first part of The Divine Comedy, written by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century, this legendary epic poem is one of the most vivid and detailed depictions of Hell in literary history, shaping our modern imagination of eternal punishment.
Helpful PSA: I've had to gloss over finer story beats within this video, so I have included a link to Inferno below!
Wow, it’s been a while! Long-time viewers of the channel may have gathered I’ve been on a hiatus. During that time, I’ve been exploring new paths in my career and my personal life, and so wanted to step away from videos gave me the space to explore those paths (it's one hell of a tale!). Many of you left kind comments while I was away, and it inspired me to create this video, something I’ve long wanted to make. I hope you enjoy this one, thank you for 837K subscribers.
00:00 Introduction
00:58 The Divine Comedy
02:22 The Forest
03:45 The Gates of Hell
04:33 Circle I - Limbo
05:41 Circle II - Lust
06:36 Circle III - Gluttony
07:40 Why Dante Wrote Inferno
09:35 Circle IV - Greed
10:30 Circle V - Wrath
11:26 Circle VI - Heresy
12:28 Circle VII - Violence
13:41 Circle VIII Fraud
15:56 Circle IX - Treachery
17:50 Conclusion
19:10 Outro
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Sources & Further Reading:
Intro - Epic of Gilgamesh in Sumerian by Peter Pringle
Crypta by Jo Wandrini
Via Epidemic Sound
Beneath the Church by Jo Wandrini
Via Epidemic Sound
Machinations by Christoffer Moe Divletsen
Via Epidemic Sound
The Heart by David Celeste
Via Epidemic Sound
Monsters Are Real by Dream Cave
Via Epidemic Sound
Subtle Differences by Howard Harper Barnes
Via Epidemic Sound
Glacier by Anna Dager
Via Epidemic Sound
Majestica by Edgar Hopp
Via Epidemic Sound
For Lorne by Anders Schill Paulsen
Via Epidemic Sound
Strings by Blue Saga
Via Epidemic Sound
Outro - Peaceful Ambient Music by CO.AG
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcav... License: