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Another student of Simon Magus was Basillides. This Basillides became a famous Christian mystic and teacher in Alexandria Egypt during the first half of the second century. Basillides is arguably the face of Christian Gnosticism. He takes gnosis to another level. The Logo of this channel, which is the symbol of Abraxas, comes from none other than Basillides himself. He taught that The Great Archon, known as Abraxas or YAO, who was the Un-Begotten Father and Demiruge, who had the highest emanation of Light in the Universe, and produced Aeons descended from his being, resulting in multiple heavenly realms and angelic powers, with the Jewish God Yaldaboath, identified as one of these angels. Abraxas had the Head of a Hawk, Torso of a Man, and Legs of Serpents, signifying the 3 elements of Air, Earth and Water. His name in greek ABRASAX ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ , 7 letters for 7 planets and days of the week, consists of 3 vowels and 4 consanants wich multiplied gives 12 lunar months of a solar calendar, the Gematria of the name which is the sum of the numbers denoted by the Greek letters in ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ according to the rules of isopsephy is 365:
Α = 1, Β = 2, Ρ = 100, Α = 1, Σ = 200, Α = 1, Ξ = 60
He designates Abraxas more distinctly as "the power above all, and First Principle", "the cause and first archetype" of all things; and mentions that the Basilidians referred to 365 as the number of parts (mele) in the human body, as well as of days in the year. ; He says that 'Abraxas', the Arche, which is the Monad, gave birth to Mind (nous) which is the Duad along with Sophia the female principle of Nous, and this duad produces the Logos, who is Christ. The world, as well as the 365 heavens, was created in honour of 'Abraxas'; and that Christ was sent not by the Maker of the world but by 'Abraxas' his true father. Theos-Hypsistos, who I mentioned earlier as a god worshipped by monotheistic Greeks, was also a title given to Abraxas, as well as God-Almighty, Pantokrator.
It is quite possible that this doctrine of Abraxas is rooted in deep ancient mystery rites. Eusibiues the Church HIstorian under Constantine, writes about a Bronze age Priest named Sanchuniathion from 1200 BCE in phoenica, cited by Philo of Byblos in the first century who says:
The Phoenicians call it "Good Daemon": in like manner the Egyptians also surname it Cneph; and they add to it the head of a hawk because of the hawk's activity.
'Epeïs also (who is called among them a chief hierophant and sacred scribe, and whose work was translated [into Greek] by Areius of Heracleopolis), speaks in an allegory word for word as follows:
'The first and most divine being is a serpent with the form of a hawk, extremely graceful, which whenever he opened his eyes filled all with light in his original birthplace, but if he shut his eyes, darkness came on.'
'Epeïs here intimates that he is also of a fiery substance, by saying "he shone through," for to shine through is peculiar to light. From the Phoenicians Pherecydes also took the first ideas of his theology concerning the god called by him Ophion and concerning the Ophionidae.
'Moreover the Egyptians, describing the world from the same idea, engrave the circumference of a circle, of the colour of the sky and of fire, and a hawk-shaped serpent stretched across the middle of it, and the whole shape is like our Theta (θ), representing the circle as the world, and signifying by the serpent which connects it in the middle the good daemon.
'Zoroaster also the Magian, in the Sacred Collection of Persian Records, says in express words: "And god has the head of a hawk. He is the first, incorruptible, eternal, uncreated, without parts, most unlike (all else), the controller of all good, who cannot be bribed, the best of all the good, the wisest of all wise; and he is also a father of good laws and justice, self-taught, natural, and perfect, and wise, and the sole author of the sacred power of nature.