クレヨンしんちゃん HD
"Hey, I Know a Cooking Genius!"
少年鉄人と料理対決だゾ/"Hey, It’s Time for a Major Cleanup!"
みんなで大そうじだゾ/"Hey, Looking Back at the Past Year!"
今年一年のふりかえりだゾ /"Hey, Detective Nohara Comes into Action!"
野原刑事の事件簿だゾ /"Hey, Detective Nohara Comes into Action! 2"
野原刑事の事件簿2だゾ/"Hey, Detective Nohara Comes into Action! 3"
野原刑事の事件簿3だゾ /"Hey, Meet the Shinchan-Terminator!"
SF殺人サイボーグだゾ/"Hey, It’s New Year With the Matsuzaka Sisters!"