"Golden Lads and Girls" 19 February 1978
James drives by the funeral of Billy Dalby. After informing Siegfried of the news, he visits Mrs Dalby to pay his respect. The hard-of-hearing Joe Mulligan brings his "womiting" dog, Clancy, into the surgery. James is finally beginning to make real progress with Helen, who invites him to Sunday tea at the Aldersons', but ends up treating one of their cows that falls ill. The cow dies before James' treatment has a chance to work. After Siegfried buys a new Rover, James inherits his old one. When Tristan was up on a fell drinking Theakston's Nutty Brown Ale with James, he accidentally releases the handbrake. The pair watch as the car careens into the new shelter on the golf course. It is an incident that Siegfried just happens to read about in the morning paper. The duo's silence speaks volumes. Tristan blames the broken headlamp on an accident with a farm gate. With his car in being fixed, and James' brakes not up to standard, Tristan asks Siegfried if he can borrow his Rover to get to a call in Sorton. Tristan, of course, crashes it into a wall after swerving to avoid a flock of sheep in the road and has to break the news to his brother.
Characters: Mr Alderson, Mrs Dalby, Gobber Newhouse, Mr Worley, Richard Edmundson, Joe Mulligan, P.C. Smith, Charlie, Aunt Lucy, Daphne, Lenny Butterfield, William Dalby.