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Валентина Костырко Боярчук
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Последний визит: 1 апр 2023
Валентина Костырко Боярчук
25 мар 2023
16 вопросов тем, кто верит Путину | Отправьте тем, кто до сих пор верит российской пропаганде. Может, хоть что-то их заставит задуматься. #НетВойне #Украина #Россия | By Ёшкин Крот | Facebook | I once lived in Russia and studied journalism there, and journalism is a profession that suggests that from time to time you become the devil's advocate. This means that you are subjecting to doubt, even those people whose views you like very much. And this means that you become and try to understand the position of those whose views you do not like. That's why I have prepared sixteen very simple questions for those people who support the military operation in Ukraine and support Vladimir e Putin. These questions are presented according to a very simple scheme. Let's say you're absolutely right. But what if I don’t argue with the people I ask these questions to. I don't try to convince them, because they know that it's very hard for people to change their views even when faced with facts, which are completely disproved. People in such cases usually go through the same stages as anyone in shock. First denial, then anger, then bargain. And only then humility aa with reality. I kindly ask you to show this video to those people in your circle who support Vladimir Putin and the military operation in Ukraine. I repeat no need for arguing. It will be enough if they just look into these questions. And even better just print these questions. They are all in the description of this video file on my YouTube channel. Is there anything else you can do Well, for example, putting a print on your neighbors' mailboxes in the hallway. And if you are a high schooler or a student, you know without me what to do with the questions in such cases. I wrote these questions again and again believing that people can change. After all, Eco was a model fascist in his childhood. A Nobel laureate, a wonderful German writer Gunter Grass not only served in Hitlerregend, but then served in parts of the SS. People are capable of changing. Give them the task. These are the questions. The first question. What's it all for? Yes, I know what you'll tell me. For the sake of saving civilians in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions in eastern Ukraine. Tell me, but do you really believe that in order to save civilians in eastern Ukraine, it was necessary to enter Ukraine immediately from four directions. Do you really believe that in order to save civilians in eastern Ukraine it was necessary to bomb civilians in Kiev, Kharkov, Chernihiv, Militopol, Sumy and this list is absolutely huge. Do you really believe that in order to save the elderly, women and children in eastern Ukraine, it was necessary to turn into refugees one and a half million tariks, women and children all over Ukraine to date. And here we are in Europe. We expect that there will be at least seven million refugees from all over Ukraine. Question two. Please tell me, do you really think that the colossal blow to the Russian economy, the ruble double, possibly triple price increase, unemployment increase, the loss of income, the destruction of entire industries of the economy of the automaker the one that is no longer in Russia. You really think that this is a very good way to help elderly people, women and children in eastern Ukraine. The third. I know you can say that the blow to Russia's economy was not Russia itself, the retaliatory sanctions of the West. But the counter sanctions from the West in response to the introduction of troops to Ukraine were absolutely hundred percent predictable and predictable. Please tell me, if the person or people who planned a military special operation in Ukraine have not calculated the basic economic consequences of this step, are you really sure that they have really planned both the military operation and so on and its possible long term consequences. The fourth. Let's say that Russian troops were introduced to Ukraine not only to save the elderly, women and children in eastern Ukraine, but to save all Russians in Ukraine, which is under the yoke and under the nest, under this constantly speaks Vladimir aa Putin captured in flippers of Ukrainian Nazis please tell me have you seen at least once Russian television that residents of liberated cities and villages in Ukraine cities and villages that the Russian army freed from Nazis, so that they meet their liberators with bread and salt or at least hugs, please explain why residents of liberated cities and villages of Ukraine meet their liberators with grenade launchers and in the mildest case scenario by cursing and calling their liberators occupiers fifth if Ukraine is occupied by Nazis and the West together with Nazis, please explain why the absolute majority of refugees from Ukraine seek now Nazis patrons to the West, and the Vov I am not going to my saviors to Russia to the East. please tell me if the power in Ukraine has been taken over by Nazis then why in Ukraine Israel is unfolding its field hospitals why Israeli volunteers are going now to fight not on the side of Russia but on the side of Ukraine please tell me which side it is Since Israel began to support Nazism seventh if the power in Ukraine has been captured then explain why since two thousand fourteen there have already been two free presidential elections and two presidents have already changed and why President Poroshenko, who manages to seize power through reckless subsequent elections, gave his power to another president B Ladimir Zelensky is the eighth if Russia is waging a fair war it means that each of its soldiers is an absolute hero and every fallen soldier should be buried with military honors why then it seems for the first time in its history refuses to take the bodies of its soldiers killed in Ukraine and please tell me in the first two weeks of war you at least once heard that Rossi I urge Ukraine to negotiate about the exchange of prisoners ninth radio station Echo of Moscow was famous for inviting representatives of all parties and ardent supporters of Vladimir Putin and no less ardent supporters of Navalny to its broadcasts. Please tell me why, instead of state representatives to come live and explain in any desperate dispute their position justifying the need for war in Ukraine, the state simply closed the echo of Moscow. And if you truly believe that there is power in truth and I believe you do. Please tell me why the authorities closed about thirty independent media outlets in Russia after the beginning of the military special operation. Tenth. Let's say Russia conquers Ukraine. Please tell me how you imagine the future of a country where the absolute majority of the population calls the Russian Liberation Forces occupiers. How do you even imagine that? Who will be elected in Ukraine if after that free presidential elections will be held there? Or do you think that elections should not be held, but we need to put the person in charge of Ukraine who arranges for the Kremlin. Yes, this too is possible. But such a position is called a gawlaiter. And Hitler appointed Goulaiters in Ukraine. eleventh. Let's say Kiev and all other cities that are now bombing are completely completely conquered and perhaps even destroyed. Please tell me, at whose expense Ukraine will recover after the war. How many occupation police will it take to be sent from Russia to bring order to the population that sees liberators as occupiers? And how many members of Omonov, Special Forces, Russian Guards will be killed in the end by Ukrainian partisans. Once again why for what purpose is all this needed? Twelve permissible Russian troops came to Ukraine for a greater purpose than saving the Russian population from the Nazis and saving the civilians of Donetsk. Let's say that Russian troops entered Ukraine to prevent a war that NATO, advancing on the Russian borders against Russia, will begin sooner or later. Please tell me, why then not be afraid of NATO bordering Finland Sweden Croatia Serbia North Macedonia why not be afraid of the attack on itself NATO completely surrounded by NATO countries Austria and Switzerland thirteenth let Ukraine let pr wait, Russia is doing now in Ukraine a holy thing, but why does not this holy thing in the world support? no one at all except read about this country on Wikipedia Venezuela eh and Cuba even China does not support fourteen Do you really think that antiwar rallies in Russia should disperse their participants beat, shove aa in autozas Ki, aa judge aa give deadlines or impose heavy fines. Please tell me, do you really think it's right, when the crime in Russia today is any poster with the inscription no war. If you think so, answer me, please. Do you agree to go out personally with a poster before the war? Yes, we Russians want a war. The fifteenth Russia can stop the war. Stop the military actions, provided that Ukraine recognizes Crimea as Russian and then Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However, in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there is article two hundred and eighty-one point, where calls for action aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the country can be subject to up to five years in prison. For calls alone. Please tell me why violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine is a feat. But to violate the territorial integrity of Russia is a criminal offense. How do you do it to yourself I would really like to know explain. And finally the last if Vladimir Putin blows up an atomic bomb, even a tactical one. Will you still think that Vladimir Putin is right about this war? And are you ready, together with your family, with your loved ones, with your relatives, with those people who really care about you, to turn into radioactive ashes for the sake of a great Russian idea. Do you agree to destroy humanity and, as Putin said, as righteous people to get ah to heaven only for the sake of the great Russian idea together with Putin. And if you agree, destroy all humanity and go to heaven too for the great Russian idea. Please tell me how you differ from the suicide bombers of Bin Ladan himself.
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Валентина Костырко Боярчук
25 мар 2023
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Валентина Костырко Боярчук
25 мар 2023
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Валентина Костырко Боярчук
25 мар 2023
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