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Big Handel Oratorio Box
Various Artists
English Chamb Orch
English Chamber Orchestra
Vienna Sym Orch
Reri Grist
Herbert Handt
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Laurence Dutoit
Thomas Hemsley
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
F Palmer
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Erling Thorborg
S Armstrong
Helen Watts
J McCarthy
R Tear
Alexander Young
John Lawrenson
N Taylor
Mogens Woldike
K Miller
Jennifer Vyvyan
J Diaz
J Somary
E Fleet
H Watts
Colin Tilney
Jephtha, HWV 70: Ouverture. Menuet
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Alexander Young
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Accompagnato: It must be so; Air: Pour forth no more
English Chamber Orchestra
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: No more to Ammon's god and king
English Chamber Orchestra
Maureen Forrester
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: But Jephtha comes; Air: Virtue my soul shall still embrace
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Twill be a painful separation; Air: In gentle murmurs will I mourn
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Happy this embassy; Air: Dull delay, in piercing anguish
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Ill suits the voice of love; Air: Take the heart you fondly gave
English Chamber Orchestra
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: I go, my soul; Duet: These labours past, how happy we
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: What mean these doubtful fancies; Accompagnato: If, Lord, sustained
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Alexander Young
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: O God, behold our sore distress
English Chamber Orchestra
Maureen Forrester
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Some dire event; Air: Scenes of horror, scenes of woe
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Say, my dear mother; Air: The smiling dawn of happy days
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply; Chorus: When his loud voice in thunder spoke
English Chamber Orchestra
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Glad tidings of great Joy; Chorus: Cherub and Seraphim
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Air. Up the dreadful steep ascending
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Helen Watts
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Tis well, haste, haste, ye maidens; Air: Tune the soft melodious lute
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Heav'n smiles once more
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Aria: His mighty
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: In glory high
English Chamber Orchestra
Helen Watts
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Reri Grist
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Symphony
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Helen Watts
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Hail, glorious conqueror!; Aria: Welcome as the cheerful light; Semi-Chrorus: Welcome thou
English Chamber Orchestra
Helen Watts
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Reri Grist
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Horror! Horror!; Aria: Open thy marble jaws
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Why is my brother thus afflicted
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: First perish thou
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: If such thy cruel purpose; Aria: On me let blind mistaken zea
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Quartet: O spare your daughter
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Such news flies swiftly; Recitative: For joys so vast; Aria: Happy they
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Maureen Forrester
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Deeper and deeper still
English Chamber Orchestra
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Reri Grist
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees
English Chamber Orchestra
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Hide thou thy hated beams
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: A father, off'ring up his only child; Aria: Waft her, angels
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Ye sacred priests; Aria: Farewell, ye limpid springs
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Doubtful fear
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Symphony
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Rise Jephtha; Aria: Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Aria: For ever blessed be thy holy name
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Theme sublime of endless praise
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Let me congratulate; Aria: Laud her, all ye virgin train
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: O let me fold thee; Aria: Sweet as sight to the blind
English Chamber Orchestra
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: With transport, Iphis; Aria: 'Tis heav'n's all-ruling power
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: My faithful Hamor; Aria: Freely I to heav'n resign; Quintet: All that is in Hamor mine
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Reri Grist
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Ye house of Gilead
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Helen Watts
Alexander Young
Reri Grist
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Overture; Chorus: How excellent thy name, O Lord
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Erling Thorborg
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: An infant rais'd by Thy command
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Herbert Handt
Thomas Hemsley
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Mogens Woldike
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Trio: Along the monster atheist strode; Chorus: The youth inspir'd by Thee, O Lord
Vienna Sym Orch
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: How excellent Thy name, O Lord
Vienna Sym Orch
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Behold, O King; Air: O King, your favours with delight
Vienna Sym Orch
Thomas Hemsley
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Jennifer Vyvyan
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Oh,early piety!; Recitative: Thou, Merab, first in birth; Air: My soul rejects the thought with scorn
Vienna Sym Orch
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: See, with what a scornful air
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Already see the daughters of the land; Chorus: Welcome, welcome, mighty king!
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Herbert Handt
Thomas Hemsley
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Mogens Woldike
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: What do I hear? Am I then sunk so low; Chorus: David his ten thousands slew
Vienna Sym Orch
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Jennifer Vyvyan
Herbert Handt
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: To him ten thousands, and to me but thousands!; Air: With rage I shall burst his praises to hear!
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Imprudent women! Air: Fell rage and black despair possess'd
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Racked with infernal pains; Air: O Lord, whose mercies numberless
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: 'Tis all in vain; Air: A serpent, in my bosom warm'd
Vienna Sym Orch
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Has he escap'd my rage? Accompagnato: O filial piety!; Air: No, cruel father, no!
Vienna Sym Orch
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Jennifer Vyvyan
Herbert Handt
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Preserve him for the glory of Thy name
Vienna Sym Orch
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Jennifer Vyvyan
Herbert Handt
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Envy, eldest born of hell
Vienna Sym Orch
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Hast thou obey'd my orders; Air: Sin not, O King
Vienna Sym Orch
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Jennifer Vyvyan
Herbert Handt
Helen Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: As great Jehovah lives, I swear; Air: From cities stormed, and battles won
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Appear, my friend
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: A father's will has authorized my love; Duet: O fairest of ten thousand fair
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Herbert Handt
Thomas Hemsley
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Mogens Woldike
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Is there a man, who all his ways
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Herbert Handt
Thomas Hemsley
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Mogens Woldike
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Thy father is as cruel; Duet: At persecution I can laugh
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Whom dost thou seek; Air: No, no, let the guilty tremble
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: The time at length is come; Recitative: Where is the son of Jesse?
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Oh, fatal consequence of rage
Vienna Sym Orch
Thomas Hemsley
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Jennifer Vyvyan
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: Wretch that I am; Accompagnato: 'Tis said, here lives a woman
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: With me what would'st thou? Air: Infernal spirits
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Erling Thorborg
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: Why hast thou forc'd me from the realms of peace
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Herbert Handt
Thomas Hemsley
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Mogens Woldike
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Whence comest thou? Air: Impious wretch, of race accurst!
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Mogens Woldike
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Herbert Handt
Thomas Hemsley
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony: Dead march
Vienna Sym Orch
Jennifer Vyvyan
Herbert Handt
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Erling Thorborg
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Mourn, Israel, mourn
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Air: Brave Jonathan his bow never drew
Vienna Sym Orch
Erling Thorborg
Helen Watts
Herbert Handt
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Mogens Woldike
Laurence Dutoit
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Eagles were not so swift as they
Vienna Sym Orch
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Jennifer Vyvyan
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Eagles were not so swift as they
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Erling Thorborg
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Thomas Hemsley
Jennifer Vyvyan
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Ye men of Judah, weep no more! Chorus: Gird on thy sword, thou man of might
Vienna Sym Orch
Laurence Dutoit
Herbert Handt
Erling Thorborg
Copenhagen Boys Choir
Mogens Woldike
Helen Watts
Jennifer Vyvyan
Thomas Hemsley
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Overture: Largo; Allegro; Largo
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Mourn, ye afflicted children
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Well may your sorrows
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: For Zion lamentation make
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Not in vain is all this storm
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Pious orgies
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: O Father, whose almighty power
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Accompagnato: I feel the Deity within
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Arm, arm, ye brave!
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: We come in bright array
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: ‘Tis well, my friends
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Call forth the powers
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet: Come, ever-smiling liberty
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Lead on, lead on
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: So willed my father
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Disdainful of danger
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Ambition
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: No unhallowed desire
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Haste we, my brethren
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Hear us, oh Lord
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Fallen is the foe
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet, Chorus: Zion now her head shall raise
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Oh let eternal honors
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Israelite Woman From mighty kings
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet, Chorus: Hail, hail, Judea
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Thanks to my brethren
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: How vain is man
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Oh Judas, oh my brethren
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria, Chorus: Ah! Wretched Israel
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Be comforted
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: The Lord worketh wonders
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: My arms
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria, Chorus: Sound an alarm!
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: We hear
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Enough! To Heaven we leave the rest
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: With pious hearts
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Ye worshippers
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Wise men, flattering
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet: Oh! never, never bow
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: We never will bow down
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Man Father of Heaven
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: See yon flames
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Oh grant it
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
John Shirley-Quirk
Heather Harper
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: So shall the lute
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: From Capharsalama
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: See the Conquering hero
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: March
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet, Chorus: Sing unto god
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: With honor let dessert
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: With honor let dessert
English Chamber Orchestra
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Peace to my countrymen
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: To our great God
English Chamber Orchestra
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Recitative: Again to Earth
English Chamber Orchestra
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Duet: Oh lovely peace
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
John Shirley-Quirk
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Aria: Rejoice oh Judah
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Chorus: Hallelujah, Amen
English Chamber Orchestra
Heather Harper
John Shirley-Quirk
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Overture
English Chamb Orch
N Taylor
K Miller
J Somary
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
F Palmer
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Behold! Auspicious flashes rise
English Chamb Orch
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
J Diaz
K Miller
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
J Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Lucky omens bless our rites
English Chamb Orch
N Taylor
K Miller
J Somary
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
F Palmer
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative, Arioso and Duet: Daughter, obey
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
S Armstrong
J Diaz
F Palmer
N Taylor
K Miller
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Ah, me!; Air: O Jove
English Chamb Orch
N Taylor
J Somary
K Miller
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Alas! She yields; Quartet: Why dost thou thus untimely grieve
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
S Armstrong
J Diaz
F Palmer
N Taylor
K Miller
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Again auspicious flashes; Recitative: Thy aid, pronubial Juno; Chorus: Cease, cease your vows
English Chamb Orch
H Watts
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
K Miller
J Somary
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
J Diaz
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Again auspicious flashes; Recitative: Thy aid, pronubial Juno; Chorus: Cease, cease your vows
English Chamb Orch
J McCarthy
H Watts
J Somary
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
J Diaz
E Fleet
N Taylor
K Miller
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Ah, wretched prince; Accompagnato: Wing'd with our fears and pious haste
English Chamb Orch
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
N Taylor
J Somary
K Miller
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Hail Cadmus, hail
English Chamb Orch
J McCarthy
N Taylor
J Somary
J Diaz
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
K Miller
S Armstrong
F Palmer
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria and Chorus: Endless Pleasure
English Chamb Orch
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
J Diaz
E Fleet
N Taylor
K Miller
J McCarthy
H Watts
J Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Sinfonia
English Chamb Orch
H Watts
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
K Miller
J Somary
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
J Diaz
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompangnato: Awake, Saturnia!; Recitative; Accompagnato: With adamant the gates are barr'd; Air: Hence, Iris,
English Chamb Orch
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
J Diaz
E Fleet
N Taylor
K Miller
J McCarthy
H Watts
J Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: Oh sleep, why dost thou leave me
English Chamb Orch
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
N Taylor
J Somary
K Miller
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Let me not another moment; Aria: Lay your doubts and fears aside
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
J Diaz
K Miller
S Armstrong
F Palmer
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: You are mortal; Air: With fond desiring; Chorus: How engaging, how endearing
English Chamb Orch
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
F Palmer
N Taylor
K Miller
J Somary
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Ah, me!; Aria: I must with speed amuse her
English Chamb Orch
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
J Somary
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
J Diaz
K Miller
S Armstrong
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Now Love
English Chamb Orch
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
N Taylor
J Somary
K Miller
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: By my command; Aria: Where'er you walk
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
J Diaz
K Miller
S Armstrong
F Palmer
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Dear sister, how was your journey hither? Aria: But hark, the heav'nly spehere turns around
English Chamb Orch
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
J Diaz
K Miller
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
J Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Duet: Prepare then, ye immortal choir
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
J Diaz
K Miller
S Armstrong
F Palmer
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Chorus: Bless the glad earth
English Chamb Orch
E Fleet
R Tear
K Miller
S Armstrong
F Palmer
J McCarthy
N Taylor
J Somary
J Diaz
H Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Sinfonia
English Chamb Orch
F Palmer
R Tear
J Diaz
E Fleet
K Miller
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
J Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accomagnato: Somnus, awake!; Aria: Leave me, loathsome light
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
J Diaz
K Miller
S Armstrong
F Palmer
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Dull God, canst thou attend; Aria: More sweet is that name
English Chamb Orch
N Taylor
J Somary
K Miller
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
S Armstrong
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: My will obey
English Chamb Orch
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
J Somary
S Armstrong
J Diaz
F Palmer
N Taylor
K Miller
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: Myself I shall adore
English Chamb Orch
H Watts
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
K Miller
J Somary
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
J Diaz
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Be wise, as you are beautiful; Accompagnato: Conjure him by his oath; Aria: Thus let my thanks be paid
English Chamb Orch
K Miller
J Somary
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
J Diaz
H Watts
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative, Aria: Rich odours fill the fragrant air; Aria: Come to my arms
English Chamb Orch
J McCarthy
H Watts
J Somary
F Palmer
R Tear
S Armstrong
J Diaz
E Fleet
N Taylor
K Miller
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Oh Semele!; Aria: I am ever granting
English Chamb Orch
N Taylor
K Miller
J Somary
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
F Palmer
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Speak, speak your desire; Accompagnato: By that tremendous flood
English Chamb Orch
F Palmer
R Tear
J Diaz
E Fleet
K Miller
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
J Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: No, no, I'll take no less
English Chamb Orch
N Taylor
K Miller
J Somary
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
F Palmer
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Ah, whither is she gone
English Chamb Orch
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
F Palmer
N Taylor
K Miller
J Somary
J Diaz
J McCarthy
H Watts
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Aria: Above measure is the pleasure
English Chamb Orch
H Watts
F Palmer
R Tear
E Fleet
K Miller
S Armstrong
J Somary
J McCarthy
N Taylor
J Diaz
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Ah, me! Too late now I repent
English Chamb Orch
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
J Somary
J Diaz
F Palmer
N Taylor
K Miller
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Recitative: Of my ill-boding dream; Chorus: Oh, terror and astonishment
English Chamb Orch
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
J Somary
J Diaz
K Miller
F Palmer
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Sinfonia
English Chamb Orch
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
J Somary
J Diaz
K Miller
F Palmer
S Armstrong
J McCarthy
N Taylor
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Semele, HWV 58: Accompagnato: Apollo comes; Chorus: Happy, happy shall we be
English Chamb Orch
S Armstrong
J Somary
J Diaz
F Palmer
N Taylor
K Miller
J McCarthy
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Overture
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: ‘Tis Dioclesian's natal day; Air: Go, my faithful soldier, go
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Vouchsafe, dread lord, a gracious ear; Air: Racks, gibbets, sword and fire
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: For ever thus stands fixed the doom
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Most cruel decree; sure thy noble soul; Air: The raptur'd soul defies the sword
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: I know thy virtures, and ask not thy faith; Air: Descend, kind pity, heav'nly guest
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Through hard, my friends; Air: Fond, flatt'ring world, adieu
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Oh bright example of all goodness
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: Come, mighty Father, mighty Lord
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Fly, fly, my brethren, heathen rage pursues us swift; Air: As with rosy steps the morn
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: All pow'r in Heaven above, or earth beneath
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Oh retched retches
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Accompagnato: Oh, worse than death indeed!; Air: Angels, ever bright and fair
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Unhappy, happy crew! Why stand you thus
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: Kind Heaven, if virtue be Thy care
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Oh Love, how great thy power! Chorus: Go, gen'rous, pious youth
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Ye men of Antioch, with solemn pomp; Chorus: Queen of summer, queen of love
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: Wide spread his name
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Return, Septimius, to the stubborn maid; Chorus: Venus laughing from the skies
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Symphony
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: O thou bright sun! How sweet thy rays; Air: With darkness deep, as is my woe
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Symphony
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: But why art thou disquieted; Air: Oh, that I on wings could rise
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Long have I known thy friendly social soul; Air: Though the honours that Flora and Venus receive
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: O save her, then, or give me power to save
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: The clouds begin to veil the hemisphere; Air: Defend her, Heav'n! Let angels spread
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Or lulled with grief or rapt her soul to heaven; Air: Sweet rose and lily, flow'ry form
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: O save me, Heaven, in this my perilous hour
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: The pilgrim's home, the sick man's health
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Accompagnato: Forbid it, Heaven!
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Duet: To thee, thou glorious son of wrath
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: 'Tis night; but night's sweet blessing is denied
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: He saw the lovely youth, death's early prey
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Aria: Lord, to Thee, each night and day
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: But see, the good, the virtuous Didimus
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: Blest be the hand, and blest the power
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Undanted in the court stands Didimus
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Duet: Whither, Princess, do you fly?
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: She's gone, disdaining liberty and life
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: It is a Christian virtue then
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air: Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless prayer
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: ‘Tis kind, my friends, but kinder still
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: How strange their ends
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: On me your frowns your utmost rage exert
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Air and Duet: Streams of pleasure ever flowing
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Ere this their doom is past, and they are gone
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Theodora, HWV 68: Chorus: Oh love divine, thou source of fame
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Sinfonia
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Alexander Young
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Comfort ye my people
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: And the glory, the glory of the Lord
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Thus saith the Lord
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: But who may abide
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: And He shall purify
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
Justino Diaz
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air & Chorus: O thou that tellest
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Alexander Young
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air-Bass: The people that walked in darkness
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: For unto us a child is born
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: PIFA (Pastoral Symphony)
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: There were shepherds; And lo, the Angel of the Lord
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: And the angel said unto them
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: And suddenly there was the angel
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Glory to God in the highest
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Alexander Young
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Duet: And he shall feed his flock
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Alexander Young
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: His yoke is easy
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: He was despised
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Surely he hath borne our griefs
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: And with His stripes we are healed
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: All we like sheep
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative-Tenor: All they that see Him
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: He trusted in God
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
J Somary
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Alexander Young
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Behold, and see if there be any sorrow
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: He was cut off out of the land
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: But thou didst not leave
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
Yvonne Minton
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Lift up your heads
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Unto which of the angels
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Let all the angels of God worship Him
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
Yvonne Minton
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Thou art gone up on high
English Chamb Orch
Justino Diaz
Yvonne Minton
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: The Lord gave the word
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: How beautiful are the feet
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Their sound is gone out
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
Justino Diaz
Yvonne Minton
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Why do the nations?
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: He that dwelleth in heaven
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Alexander Young
Yvonne Minton
Margaret Price
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: Thou shalt break them
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Hallelujah
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
J Somary
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Since by man came death
English Chamb Orch
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
J Somary
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Behold, I tell you a mystery
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: The trumpet shall sound
English Chamb Orch
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Justino Diaz
Alexander Young
J Somary
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Recitative: Then shall be brought to pass
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
Alexander Young
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Duet: O death, where is thy sting?
English Chamb Orch
Yvonne Minton
Justino Diaz
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
J Somary
Alexander Young
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: But thanks be to God
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
Justino Diaz
Yvonne Minton
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Air: If God be for us
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
J Somary
Justino Diaz
Margaret Price
Yvonne Minton
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
Messiah, HWV 56: Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb...Amen
English Chamb Orch
Alexander Young
Justino Diaz
Yvonne Minton
J Somary
Amor Artis Chamb Choir
Margaret Price
Colin Tilney
Big Handel Oratorio Box
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