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For all birthdays and outdoor enthusiasts, we offer a gift, namely 50% discount and with the discount card tmgid.cc 20%, in the amount you get 70% discount!Action, you can use up to 2 days before and after the date of birth, for ...
We are glad to inform you about a new bonus program.Commits a cumulative purchase of any software in three months and get CashBack up to $ 1000.We can offer you the following products: ESET, GFI, Symantec, Citrix, Websense, ...
We invite you to "Evening of Chamber Music" with soloists of the Youth Chamber Orchestra conducted by Rasul Klychev. On the concert will include works by famous composers, such as: V.A. Mozart, A. Messager, A. Piazzolla, D.T. W...
The concert program "Under the sky of Paris" performed by Youth Chamber Orchestra under the direction of of Rasul Klycheva takes you into the atmosphere of romance ...
Join in our cultural presentations, workshops, conversation clubs and films in English and Russian languages. Note: To use the iPad in the reading room of IRC you need to have an identity card (ID).
В вашей семье есть ребёнок? Подарите ему настоящий праздник, купив билет на концерт "Сказки с оркестром" в исполнении Государственного симфонического оркестра под управлением Расула Клычева, где музыканты исполня...
February 21, 2017, will host an exhibition of export goods of Turkey. Its production capacity and export opportunities to demonstrate leading companies and firms from different regions of Turkey.
Our team is involved in the progress of the country's innovation, considering the need to keep up with the times. Our goal is to participate in improving the lives of residents and ...
We want you to discover the secret of the popularity of photo-blinds among customers, among other things, it is quite simple. Photo printing on blinds decorate any interior, with harmoniously fit into it and giv...
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Наша команда участвует в прогрессе инноваций страны, считая необходимостью идти в ногу со временем. Нашей целью является участие в улучшении жизни жителей и гостей Туркменистана, объединив весь перечень услуг в единую сеть на tmgid.cc Вы сможете ознакомиться с последними событиями в нашей стране, находить самые выгодные и качественные предложения, получать уведомления о проводимых акциях, оформлять online заказы, находить партнеров, оставлять рецензии и многое другое...