RUFF IS DIVING DEAD! Sakhalin humorous stories... I In our childhood, Zarechensky (1970s, second half), insular, Sakhalin, Far Eastern, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, held on the shores of the Tatar Gulf - red Ruff was the main pepper! The guy is not spiteful: either he comes up with a hang glider made of rails - it collapses when sticking into the ground, then a vertical take-off springboard will build - landing exclusively on the ass, then for berries and mushrooms for three hills he will send us - youngsters, where, in addition to evil vipers, surprised bears and lost old women there is nothing! Yurka Ershov was not friends, at one time, with peers. More and more with us, with small fry, younger than him by two... four years was busy. Taught us everything. Once: on a warm, even hot July day at the first bridge from Zarechye to Lesogorsk, in the channel of the Lesogorka River, he decided to teach us how to swim properly, especially steep diving - dead! There were ten of us. Noon. The sun. Heat. Hot sand. We swim in the tributary, dry up. The guys sat down in a herd on the sand after another swim: they were resting, their knees were squeezed, everyone's body was in goosebumps, teeth knock-knock.. they listen to Ruff's tales about girls, about berries/mushrooms, about pink salmon. How he conquered everyone, found everything/collected and caught. II Seryoga Melenchuk and I, already fed up with his bikes, went a little down the channel, go about our business - play, we are thirteen, eleven years old: Seryoga was a little younger than me. We see a log! Near the coast, chocolate-colored, sea-polished, smooth, even, combat log - two meters in length, with a radius of thirty centimeters... and two knots, two wings - ideally aligned opposite each other and in the center! We decided to drive him back and forth: up and down the stream, along the coast - to stretch out from boredom. It began to turn out great. Recklessly. The guys more and more often began to transfer attention from Ruff to us. He got excited. The conversation gets out of hand. And we are already eagles. The log was driven back and forth twice. All the attention of the public was gathered. Conveniently - we rest on the bottom with our heels, water up to the waist, hold on to the knots - I'm on the left, Seryoga on the right of the log, closer to the shore. We accelerate the projectile-log to the breakers! III The third time we changed the configuration. I stayed in the center on a bitch, and Melenchuk went to the end of the log in order to accelerate it to the reactive speed, before takeoff into the stratosphere, to the rocket - they rested their heels on the bottom, the team - start, drove - look at the log - we rush to where the guys are sitting... Ruff, in order not to give us the initiative, the palm in acting to us, also went into the water and took an extreme, risky, I would even say a desperate, adventurous step - he decided to show a secret trick! He turned to the guys and said: "I'm showing you how to dive dead"! He gets up to his waist in water, turns his back to us, holds his nose with the fingers of his right hand, closes his eyes and begins to fall back - on his back! The audience, children of ten different ages, perked up... and went out! They look at Ruff, then look at us together; again they look at Ruff, at us with a log - and we are driving him with terrible force upstream - exactly to the waist of water, the speed of this projectile is hell: twenty meters of acceleration behind, I am number one on a bitch, Seryoga Melenchuk at the end - all I put energy into the force of the push with the heels that were burned in childhood, in the cradle - from the bottom. Right in the back of the fiery Yurka Ershov. And the audience looks in bewilderment and thinks: "Will we crash (giggling, staring at a log, balking about their own) Ruff in the back or pass by?!" IV Depicting a dead man, Yorsh deviates straight, like a shaft back, almost falls, almost achieves the goal of the lesson - transferring the public's attention to himself! And here we go with a log, at breakneck speed, exactly to his waist, from the back - at the level of the waterline... Crunch, crackle, bewildered on the shore! The dead man comes to life ... bends, a groan is heard, turning into a wild shout. Risen from hellish torment, Yurka Ershov, writhes in pain, tries to throw himself at us - but his back shot through by a combat log does not give him the opportunity to move, in the first seconds after the impact, from the spot. The eyes went out of their sockets, the back cramped - a ghost who really rose from hell! Ruff appeals to the public, and on the shore there is a wild rzhach and pokatushki. It was a scene from a horror film: Ruff, with a bullet in his back, is trying to catch up with two zimmers, two Sergeevs - Subbotenko and Melenchuk. The coastal boys are out! Melenchuk and I went to the sides, under the water... fleeing to that shore from fierce retribution! Before the impact, to be honest, I raised my eyes and saw the back of the main pepper, but the speed of the log was supersonic, and my partner did not look forward - he could not be held at that moment. We didn’t know, we didn’t see that after our desperate third start, Ruff entered the water, stood exactly at our finish point in order to grab the attention of the public. V The moral of the sketch is as follows: when returning back, adult guys always look in the rear-view mirrors... you never know what can happen there unexpectedly at this time! Writer Sergey Subbotenko. The book "Groom for 30 million rubles." Vladimir, Golden Ring of Russia, 2020
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    "FIVE LEMONS" — No. 12. Brigade dictionary of terms, phrases, thoughts... 1. Peoples (languages, traditions, outfits...) these are models of running a small business in a particular territory, under a particular climate, in a particular air (its taste, saturation, beauty) — from the position of "me", from the family, from one workplace (couple)... from a person. (December 2022) 2. Step in the ranks of money (in investments) — 7 years (full circle). The step in the objects (in the final product) is 10 years (operation time). (December 2022) 3. Help the merchant (1-4 commodity levels) — buy goods from him. To help the master (5th commodity level) — order an object for him. (December 2022) 4. Who bet on what in 1994... and what turned out to be in 2022: — The number of apartments, the number of offices of course (real estate) — People's imagination is endless (capital). (December 2022) 5. When the merchants returned to life, people thought that they would rush for money... And we rushed to rest, read books. The path from 1993 (the point of return) turned out to be not in 2.... year, but in 1987: into a quiet life, at a time when a person is engaged only in himself... and the wealth of the Motherland is safe. (December 2022) 6. The one who works well and hard speaks correctly. (November 2022) 7. In the world of realizable goods — money and ... more than necessary. We still need to manage to live like this — that there was not enough money and goods?! (December 2022) 8. There is more money than real estate. Therefore, the rate on real estate (And the level is production) — it was initially erroneous and dead—end (to settle in concrete... the enslaved person/buyer). The bet on human potential is for people to open up (at the 5th commodity level) and tell us what to do... — absolutely correct (for 25 years we have talked to a person ... and he was carried away, and the apartment is bought by him — for "change"). (December 2022) 9. Commodity sublevel 5-b is everything that surrounds us in the house, in the city, in civilization. This is the exploitation by humanity of the created product (by its imagination)... And sublevel 5-g is finite in the material world... this is a competent disposal of everything that was built and produced... Then again, the 5th sublevel — the land is clean (real estate has gone to dust... and the capital remained to produce, if necessary, new real estate). (December 2022) 10. We (the masters) create a world of paid goods. It is 99% smaller than the existing world — a realizable commodity. It turns out that 1% is enough for a happy life ... And everything else is nature, rest, love. (December 2022) 11. The support of an entrepreneur is the purchase of his products. He will solve all other issues through the profit received. (December 2022) 12. The state pyramid of the economic field (managerial, financial, commodity sectors) is not the denial of one group of sectors by others, but the recognition of the wealth of various forms of management and worldview. It is in the state pyramid that the principle from one-planedness to multi-planedness is laid down, and most importantly, the movement towards each other and the continuity of monarchy and democracy. Monarchy and democracy are different poles in the state pyramid. The top of the pyramid is the monarchy, since both the management and financial sectors have a common worldview of the problem and common standards of behavior necessary for the stable state of the entire structure. The extreme point of the monarchy in the economic field is the manufacturer and its distributor (sales representative) on the trading floor of a particular city (region, territory, republic). It is the manufacturer and distributor who are patriots (monarchists in politics) of the product (in terms of quality) that they represent in this commodity market. They, in principle, represent the interests of those people who have invested their labor in this product during its production. Therefore, the monarchy is the right to defend the interests of only its (!) goods. In this regard, we must admit that there may be many monarchies–producers, but democracy is one for all! Democracy is the right of the buyer, as the end consumer, to choose! Free choice. Therefore, the closer the product moves in levels to the buyer, the less monarchy and more democracy. Judge for yourself: there are 1000 items of goods on the small wholesale base, approximately (logically) from 100 monarchies-manufacturers. Can a small wholesaler give preference to one or another manufacturer according to the economic outlook (according to earnings)? Of course not. As soon as he begins to show patriotic feelings for a particular group of goods, he will immediately stop having retail store directors and his colleagues from the small wholesale level will appear more and more. He automatically became a wholesaler with patriotism, and if he went even further and became a patriot of some one product, then he became a distributor. In this regard, it is worth saying that the mistake of past times in philosophy is a postulate: one monarchy changes to one democracy! An incorrect postulate, if it is considered from the perspective of the economic field. Only a few monarchies can be replaced by one democracy. There is only one democracy, but there are always many monarchies! If you are faced with a monarchy, then know that there is still somewhere nearby, and not one... So, who is to blame, as the famous revolutionary asked? The answer is simple - a person as an end user! What to do, as another, no less famous revolutionary asked himself? If you find the monarchy and mathematics on your side, there are still heaps of them somewhere nearby, then become a democrat and open a wholesale base - they will catch up to you! The wholesale base allows you to pull together up to 10 monarchies into a single mathematical democratic place (ordinal logic), a small wholesale base – up to 100 monarchies, a retail store – up to 1000 monarchies. And it turns out that there is a pronounced monarchy in the human factor only at the manufacturing enterprise (pride in your factory - being chosen). Then, this pride, after passing through, goes into a mute state called a commodity and - in this state, the further along the levels from the manufacturer, the less this product has a "show–off" (monarchical patriotism) – goes to the end consumer in a retail store and meets with another pole - democracy, expressed emotionally (so the same as at the factory) also in the human factor: – That's what I want! The right to manufacture one product out of a thousand is the right of monarchies (manufacturers). The right to choose one product out of a thousand is the right of democracies (the buyer). But do not forget that both there and there is a person, his economic (life!) interests. I will also note that the stability of the entire structure called the state pyramid (managerial, financial, commodity sectors) and compliance with its vital functions give two small gold coins: the exchange (broker) and the exhibition (distributor). If this is not recognized and the advertising newspaper does not deal with it, then, otherwise, we get a socialist barracks when the manufacturer, with his stupid stubbornness, comes to control over the retail network and sends only his single product to the buyer. This is a monarchy! Or, on the contrary, the buyer reaches the manufacturer and demands from him to do what he basically cannot: everything at once and in one place! This is anarchy! Democracy, as I have already said, is many, many monarchies in the production of goods and one democracy (store counter, supermarket trading floor) for everything that these monarchies have produced! Both democracy and monarchies remain in place and do not move, but money flow moves towards monarchies, and goods move towards democracy! (November 2002) 13. Whoever digitized the business is in no hurry. (November 2005) 14. Personal charm is the fast and the furious in business. (November 2005) 15. The layout for an adult. Nationality – before our era, profession – our era! (November 2005) 16. In the early 1990s: — Someone put it on concrete - on the needs of a person in housing. — We put people on inspiration... and freedom of speech in business. After 25 years, the result is victory for us ... A person is free, cool and rich, and he can buy an apartment for rent! (December 2022) 17. Capitalism has also come to the center of the country... On Sakhalin, in 2008, with his arrival... you have spent time (since 1993) on mastery... then your salary is 215,000 rubles, you have not received the usual specialty — 5,000 rubles you have an allowance. Capitalism is concrete. For today: it has been necessary to spend thirty years on your skills (producing specific, high—class products in demand - at least) in order to be a well-off, strong, agile person and citizen. (December 2022) 18. We work, we rest... all for the sake of the ruble, its fortress. If there is no work (for good money) at this time, then it does not make sense to be on the economic field. It's better to play football, but go skiing. (December 2022) 19. The safety and cleanliness of the workplace (within a radius of a meter) and the safety and cleanliness of the border (from a meter ...) are two extremes and two starting points in the work of secret services... the forces of the state. (December 2002) 20. I do not call for endless rest. I'm just saying that those who rose up (as merchants) in the early 1990s failed to get out of business at the same time, stop in time, change their behavior model, and take care of themselves personally... take at least a day, a week of vacation for a year, for several years of hard labor, desperate, risky work! That's why they collapsed... tired, exhausted, flattened to the ground. Therefore, from 2008 to 2022, I first study for five months (in the off-season)... by myself, and only after that for seven months (in the season — seven days a week) I live in business, I devote myself to business, I enter the role of a master (from merchants), I play the role of a creator. (December 2022) 21. I believe in the sobriety and efficiency of the North American working class (the population of the United States of America is about 350 million people) — so I buy dollars (its shares). I believe in the sobriety and efficiency of the European working class (the population of the European Union is about 500 million people) — so I buy euros (its shares). (December 2022) 22. We are not "against" (the person), we are "for" (product promotion). In our case, at the 5th commodity level. In all mathematical ways. Physical labor. The brigade. A deal. (December 2022) 23. The country (in business) — with full shelves — can only be captured by a competent, thoughtful, calculated, well-developed, dexterous, correct service. (December 2022) 24. Soviet people in the RSFSR were initially afraid of everything. Their restructuring, democratization, new economic relations... small businesses of the late 1980s and early 1990s were so scared that they still can't move away. Therefore, in business (small), they do not see the first peak as a rise (4), not an even standing (3) ... — but survival (1). A person (from ordinary life) "went into business" and survived! This is already a success (1). Then he collapsed into the pit (2). Then he leveled off (3). Then he began to earn (4). And only then that (state, way of thinking... what I write about in "Five Lemons": I got up and began to invest (5) in the emancipation of a Soviet person from the RSFSR!.. so that he is no longer afraid of anything — leaving home for a small business! (December 2022) ... The manuscript "5 lemons". Writer Sergey Subbotenko. Vladimir, the Golden Ring of Russia, 2022 #sergeysubbotenko #fivelemons #smallbusiness
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    We have been in the frame since the 29th minute...
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    "FIVE LEMONS" — No. 11. Brigade dictionary of terms, phrases, thoughts... 1. About the dollar exchange rate (when in fact 1/128, but in reality 1/64) ... If it is not profitable to sell (the exchange rate is low), then it is time (last summer it was so) to buy! (November 2022) 2. People are fleeing to foreign currency from their money... from the dictatorship. The less freedom (both in life and in the economy) in a particular country, the more people are pinched by the local currency. The love of local money can be instilled only by freedom of the press, freedom for small businesses.... and a smile, calmness, peacefulness, good nature of the local ruler. (November 2022) 3. Avatar (brigade) is me: a worker in electronic, paper form. I'm coming (in the real world) from laying 1 tile in 3 (2.8) minutes, 16 tiles in 45 minutes, 60/80 tiles (4/5 deals for 16 tiles) per day, 45 days per container (25,000 tiles in a month and a half)... — 180 days for 4 containers (10,000 tiles per season) — and from April 2 (start season). And my avatar (a team in mathematical calculations) is coming to meet me from November 2 (the end of the season) and from the goal — how to help me lay out in the real world: 10000 tiles per season, 2500 tiles for a period of 45 days, 60/80 tiles per day (4/5 deals for 16 tiles), 16 tiles for 45 minutes for 1 tile in 3 minutes... The whole success depends on our regular, minute—by-minute and every-second meetings - reality and calculations... the rise of 10,000 dollars! (November 2022) 4. When will the mathematical calculations of events come out in time (in life)?.. They will definitely come out if they are in the calculations. (November 2022) 5. Labor capsules exist only in transactions. (November 2022) 6. We now regard any proposal as at the dawn of capitalism in the country... from a profit position in the range of 90 to 800%.. The time of the "St. Petersburg"... in a small business — "I will give you a product for sale at 10% and you will give me the money in a month and a half" — has gone irrevocably. We brought him — we took him away. Now everything is paid for (we will bring it ourselves) and is sold profitably for the local population — at 90% of the profit, and sometimes (with the full development of the imported goods) at 800% of the profit... as it was at the very beginning of capitalism in Russia — at the end of 1993! (November 2022) 7. In a rich country, workers go on vacation at the age of 40/45. And if they work after that, then only from "pleasure". For yourself, for people, for children, for... health to the sky! (November 2022) 8. Small business as fishing.... I came, fished, went home. Let the fish feed. That's how I work. Raised money for the season — moved away from the reservoir (service sector, in our case — the fifth commodity level). Let others go fishing, their families will be pleased with a gorgeous catch, let the fish gain weight during the off-season... our main thing has appeared since 2008 — our own reservoir... and everyone can fish. And I am not an ace and not important — I am one of the fishermen, however, with my place as a fisherman (a workplace inside the enterprise). (November 2022) 9. Small business as fishing (II)... Here they say: that one has a lot of money, he cut the dough (earned money). And for me — they stupidly caught all the fish (bills) from the pond and put it in the attic. And they are proud — I have a billion in my attic. And the pond is empty... both fish and fishermen are sad. Why do you need a billion fish (bills) in the attic? My billion is in the pond. And I'm saving it... the market capacity is 100 million rubles. I catch a million "fish" every year — and it's not like I'll get to 2075 — there will be enough fish (money) for centuries to come! This is our approach — the Sakhalin fishermen.... We don't earn all the money at once, we don't catch all the fish at once. We give them caviar to sweep away: we transfer some things to the next year (in agreement with customers). (November 2022) 10. Football is a game of capitalism: a figurative reflection of mathematics embedded in the economy. As long as there will be a product and the currently accepted norms of its promotion, that's how long the urban game of capitalism – football - will exist. The basis of the game, its significance and the experiences associated with it are unique. When you are on the field (in a figurative sense, on the economic field, when an enterprise is a team), there are eleven arguments "against" you, and only ten "for" you. It would seem, mathematically, a loss. But you are on the field, and it depends only on you (in the mindset of each player) whether your team wins or loses. The means to achieve the goal is one – profit (goods * ball) and the goal is one – goal (completion of the transaction * gate). The opposing team is not an enemy (I hate fans), it is an examiner. She checks: well, how have you guys trained, how do you think – synchronously (smoothly conduct the transaction to its logical conclusion – a goal) or not. At the moment when your team has the ball, you are the sales department, and the opponent is the supply department. When the attack is on your gate, then you are the supply department and the examiner. And the score on the scoreboard is not a victory of some over others, it is a victory of professionalism in their team over looseness in their own team. This is recorded by the one who is called the referee (accountant), and the spectators (buyers) enjoy the game – they saw and, most importantly, empathized with those fragments of the game when there were professionals on the field (production forces formed in industrial relations, and this is professionalism, and in the language of sports it is called a team of the highest league). Football is a comprehensive study of economic relations. There is no free economy (democracy) without football! (November 2002) 11. There is no service sector, if we stick to our raw material component in the division of goods by sectors. What is called in modern terminology – the service sector, most likely, the fifth (5) level – end consumers (legal entities). The entourage is additional, public excitement – so this is not new. This is a kind of form of consumption of goods, so to speak, the restaurant level (one step closer to the consumer from banal retail). Let's look at the examples: A. At the hairdresser, every haircut is a deal to blunt the scissors. And the income from his haircut gets, first of all, the manufacturer of scissors (metal sector). Scissors can be blunted (what difference does it make for the manufacturer) without cutting the hair, but sticking them into the wall like a tomahawk. And this is also the bluntness of the scissors, leading to their breakdown, therefore, this is also the income of the manufacturer. Those who hold them in their hands are the fifth link (end consumers) in the distribution chain as a legal entity: be it a hairdresser or a circus performer. B. The same is true in sports. During the games, we rent an auditorium, and this is the income of the owner of the arena. He is a legal entity (5th level), and the manufacturer's income is worn–out load-bearing structures and broken chairs. Actually, real estate is a very slow, but still "consumption" of the entire structure, so it's strange to hear the "groans" of utilities (owners of structures – "high-rise buildings"): again, pipes, valves need to be changed... We should be happy! Finally, everything has worn out: we will work – we will earn! In this situation (spectacle) this is accelerated consumption of chips (food sector) and the destruction of plastic chairs and improvised equipment (construction sector). Remember, before – bread and circuses, now – chips and chairs. We will consume and ... go home, and here, an amorphous service sector? V. May ask a question: – What about security services? There we destroy the attacking villain? I will answer the question with a question: – Will you advertise (hire) a security guard? Is he going to repel an attack without panties, naked? Probably, he will be, at least, in a bulletproof vest and bulletproof underpants?! And if he had his way, so with a paired machine gun of the twelfth (12) caliber, under his arm! .. That's it, a bulletproof vest, bulletproof underpants and a machine gun (income of the non-ferrous metal sector) should be advertised and used in repelling an attack. In this presentation, people will understand what the strength of your security service is. In conclusion, I note: it is necessary to defend with understanding in an advertising newspaper (in business) the interests of advertiser enterprises (clients) who have their income in the material component - from the entertainment industry and the provision of services to the public. Do not be fooled by the lures of showmen, of various "formats", propagandizing, in places, a "wild", unjustified, margin on an ordinary product with its "final" (fast or slow) consumption! There is no service sector! There is the quality of the service, which is measured by the readiness of the transaction, both in documents and in finance, and in trade – delivery, if the calculated value is lost – the goods to the final consumer. Whether it is wholesale warehouses, small wholesale bases, retail stores or end consumers – legal entities (stadiums, restaurants, hairdressers); or end consumers – individuals (kitchens, picnics, "duvet cover"). (November 2002) 12. From the understanding of the service sector, in our terminology — the 5th commodity level and our knowledge about it has grown - through our own work — as a tiler... since 2008. The 5th commodity level (the service sector, work with the goods are less united) is us (the brigade): the end consumer is a legal entity that creates a product for the end consumer of a private person. In our case, these are tile canvases and so on. From working with the product (with tiles), when creating a tile canvas, sublevels also appeared: 5-O... virgin land, 5-a... product creation, 5-b... payment for the creation, operation, disassembly of the object, 5-in... operation of the canvas, 5-g.... disassembly of the object, And again the 5th sublevel... virgin land — and then it: either remains like this, or a new object is created; and this is again the 5th sublevel - and a new circle in small business. (December 2021) 13. Everyone has a family. Mother, sister... this is a vertical family. And if you raised 5 million rubles and ... so far it is not possible to create a horizontal family (your own), then nothing is scary. You're in the family. The family helped you to stand firmly on your feet — appreciate it. And the girl you find — check right away: does she appreciate your family, vertical? If yes, then talk... bring her up to date, in the amount of capital. (November 2022). 14. The need for an avatar and brigade artificial intelligence is best shown figuratively. You have a plane. And you need to fly from Vladimir to Vladivostok. And earn 10,000 dollars for the flight. The flight is still 5 months away. And you, in electronic and paper form, create a copy of the aircraft and rehearse the entire flight — to automatism. And spring comes, the season — and you fly by plane and during the flight, refer to your notes made during the off-season. The plane in the calculations is my Loaf (car)... traveling from object to object in the season. And the pilot in the avatar (in the off—season) is me (in the season) laying tiles with my hands... The calculations are accurate — I flew to Vladivostok in the fall and raised 10,000 dollars, or even 12,000 dollars during a labor flight ... (November 2022) 15. In business, we proceed from the reaction of people. Spring has come: we have everything, everything is prepared, we are ready to provide any service, but we are waiting. We are waiting for the client... when he appears and makes an order through the managers. Without a client, our entire chain is like an electric grid without electricity. The message from the client, from his request, from his vision, from his need is our strength and for our success. In the 5th commodity market — services are not imposed, but offered. And if no one came to us, then our calculations remained calculations. And if people went, then our calculations turned into earnings, and into transactions, and most importantly — into the final material product — into tile canvases and so on. (November 2022) 16. If the world (economic...) if it collapses, then new knowledge has appeared. (November 2022) 17. Fish are found not where you want, but where they bite. (November 2002) 18. Free time is time without money. (November 2002) 19. Money makes money only when it is numbers. In our case: 1 capsule of labor is 2.8 minutes and 1 dollar of earnings. (November 2022) 20. During economic reforms: Became B... — one of the generation in business remained. Became D... — your children have grown up without you somewhere. (November 2022) 21. Lined up work in the car in the morning — lined up work in the warehouse — lined up work in the stall — lined up work at the facility — lined up work trips to the shops — lined up functionality on topics — and from it lined up the day — and in the day of the transaction — and transactions in accounting — and accounting in the container — and the container in 45 days — a 45 days in a season — a season in the time chain from 2021 to 2040 and until 2075. From 1990 start... 30 years spent on theory. It took 12 seasons to disperse and work out the workplace. And the work started... in the morning, the car stopped at the warehouse! (January 2021) 22. The super task (population growth in the country) at the fifth commodity level (production of tile canvases, among others) is the development of an infinite amount of money, because the improvement of a person (client) is infinite, changing his tastes — through a transaction, through the creation, operation, disposal of objects... and, accordingly, the infinity of our business opportunities, earnings, and capital... Lots of kids (3), lots of orders (1), lots of work (2).... (January 2021) ... The manuscript "5 lemons". Writer Sergey Subbotenko. Vladimir, the Golden Ring of Russia, 2022 #sergeysubbotenko #fivelemons #smallbusiness
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    YORSH DIVERS DEAD! Sakhalin humorous sketches ... I In our childhood, Zarechensky (1970s, second half), island, Sakhalin, Far East, Okhotsk, passed on the shores of the Gulf of Tatar - red Yorsh was the main pepper! The guy isn’t malicious: either he hangs up from the rails — when he sticks into the ground he’s destroyed, then the vertical take-off springboard builds - landing only on the ass, then for berries and mushrooms for three hills will send us youngsters, where besides evil vipers, surprised bears and lost old women nothing not! Yurka Ershov was not friends with his peers, more and more with us, with a small fry, he was two ... four years younger than he was busy. He taught us eve
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