Immigration and Education
профессиональные услуги для всех желающих иммигрировать в Канаду. Мы предоставляем всем желающим бесплатную
конфиденциальную оценку их шансов. Наша фирма является
канадской лицензированной иммиграционной фирмой.
+1 (416)-500-6583
Email: WEB: Skype: pcworldwide1
Maxwin Immigration and
Education is committed to providing you the best customer service and advise in
the field of immigration, education and employment and settlement in Canada. We
specialize in all types of immigration, college recruitment and settlement
services in Canada. Our Settlement Services are free. Our knowledgeable staff
speaks many foreign languages to assist you. Contact us today for an
unforgettable experience!
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