I could run faster then my classmates 10 years ago.
Could you give me some salt, please?
I couldn't remember what happened there yesterday, but now I can.
She is able to give birth, but she doesn't want it.
Were you able to escape from that house? Why didn't you escape.
I'm not able to do such as these stupid things!
Thank you very much. please give me this sentences translated. bilaman gapimda hatolar bor man ingliz tilini endi 6rganyapman iltimos silardan yordam berib turila
Siz surayotgan narsani qila olaman.
Bu gaplarni tugrilashda menga yordam bera olasizmi?
U qushni xonadan keladigan shoviq sababli yaxshi uxlay olmaydi.
Men 10 yil avval sinfdoshlarimdan tezroq yugura olardim.
Azgina tuzdan berib yuborolmaysizmi, iltimos?
Men kecha u yerda nima sodir bulganini eslay olmagandim, lekin hozir eslay olaman.
U dunyoga keltirishga qodir, lekin u buni xohlamaydi.
U uydan qochib ketishga qodirmiding? Nega qochmading?
Men bunday axmoqona ishlar qilishga qodir emasman.
rahmat.manam t6gri tuzganmanmi? 1. I can.t speak english 2.He could study very well when he was young. 3.My aunt could write a lot of articles and poems. hatosi b6sa aytvorin
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Комментарии 11
Can you help me for correcting these sentences?
He can't sleep very well because of loudy voices from next door.
Could you give me some salt, please?
I couldn't remember what happened there yesterday, but now I can.
Were you able to escape from that house? Why didn't you escape.
I'm not able to do such as these stupid things!
Bu gaplarni tugrilashda menga yordam bera olasizmi?
U qushni xonadan keladigan shoviq sababli yaxshi uxlay olmaydi.
Azgina tuzdan berib yuborolmaysizmi, iltimos?
Men kecha u yerda nima sodir bulganini eslay olmagandim, lekin hozir eslay olaman.
U uydan qochib ketishga qodirmiding? Nega qochmading?
Men bunday axmoqona ishlar qilishga qodir emasman.