
Михаил Шуфутинский - Марджанджа
Резеда Гадиева
Only that it became known about the death of 43 - year of our compatriot Akramov Khurshed in the state of Philadelphia. Yesterday, November 19 at around 9 pm, he was stabbed in the abdomen, after which he was taken to a hospital in Philadelphia ARIA ...
Rahmat Shukurov
Jonim og'riganda shifokorim ONAM. Dilim og'riganda sirdoshim ONAM. Ishim yurishganda quvonchim ONAM. Ishsiz kunlarimda suyanchim ONAM. Kech qolsam tunlari uyqusiz ONAM. Bu dunyoni tark etuvchi qurquvim ONAM. Butun umir qalbimda sog'inchim ONAM. Bu duny...
Миррахмат Халилов
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