Why has politics become only a private business for Talmudists? Will there be systemic democratic changes in Georgia in the coming years?
Dear citizens of our planet, as you already know, the 10 moral Commandments of God, set out in the Holy Scripture, have the power to turn a humanoid beast into a spiritually cultured man, and the immoral Satanic Talmud, on the contrary, turns a man into a humanoid beast. Unfortunately, Talmudic lies, fraud and crime have already penetrated almost all forms of government on our planet, they have also penetrated almost all existing religions and the mass media. Therefore, all Presidents, Prime Ministers, "priests", journalists, consciously lie, they live in a systemic lie, all of humanity already lives in a lie, but despite this, they inadequately hope for life, they hope to survive on our planet, which they consciously destroy, which is complete absurdity, a sign of their mental illness. This is so, because total lies prevent us from identifying real threats to the nation and to all of humanity, prevent us to all from organizing together to overcome them positively. They (the Talmudists) accumulated all possible criminal offenses in the Talmud, allowed the Talmudists to commit them, and in the Gospel they Satanically declared forgiveness of these crimes, what has only a temporary psychological character, and not a real one. At the same time, GOD in his moral and legal Commandments forbids LIE, and also forbids committing CRIMINAL CRIMES against other people. What do we see as a result? The destruction of the protective ozone layer above the planet, and, as a result, global warming, melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, massive fires that destroy wildlife, forests (the source of oxygen on Earth) on a larger scale than they have time to being restored, and this means that the composition of the atmosphere (traposphere) will gradually change not in favor of preserving the possibilities of human life and humanity on our planet. Well, the Presidents and Prime Ministers of Russia, the USA, "Israel", India (the most heavily polluting the atmosphere with industrial poisons, etc.), and other countries of the world, already know about all of the above. However, due to ignorance, stupidity, mental retardation and short-sightedness, they continue to lie, support lies and destroy the possibilities of human life and the survival of humanity on our planet. They are, in fact, already at war with God, but they are powerless to prevent the approaching destruction of humanity. At the same time, this destruction of the "offspring of Adam" will not happen in such a distant future as it seems to these uneducated and stupid creatures. They spend a lot of money from their peoples on "building houses", they fight for this, but do not care about the swampy terrain, about the foundations of these houses, which are already beginning to go under water.
At present, on our planet, all essential types of government are authoritarian, yes, you heard right, which differ from each other only in form, in appearance: democratic, communist, theological, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. At the same time, the entire state system, all authorities, are subordinate to one person, no matter what they call him, the President, the Prime Minister or something else. This form of government is known as Monarchy, which arose in the process of humanity's renunciation of God, morality and just law, with the only difference being that in the Monarchical times of the Middle Ages and the old-world world, countries were ruled by people of aristocratic blood, and now they are ruled by people of "black" blood. Therefore, their retarded mental development is unable to prevent the existential dangers threatening their people and humanity as a whole. However, the difference between these authoritarian states lies not in their visible form, but in the content, which expresses truth, moral and legal relations, or lies, immoral and lawless relations.
Based on the stated reality, I call upon all nations and countries of the world that are not yet mired in Talmudic Satanism (Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, etc.) not to call Talmudists Jews, which they really are not. In particular, you cannot call the state of Israel a Jewish state, and you cannot call its population the Jewish people. When you call them Jews, you involuntarily associate them with God's chosen people, which is a violation of God's Commandments, because in this case you are lying. They are just Talmudists of absolutely different, not of Jewish genetic origin, so call them Talmudists. As long as you falsely call Talmudists the Jewish people, as long as you mean the people of Satan by way of the people of God, the Talmudists will not only rule you, they will rob you and destroy you, both socially and in wars. They will not prevent the destruction of your offspring and humanity as a whole. Where and what is the way out? In spiritual baptism by the Holy Spirit of God, about what I have already spoken about, when a person or a nation renounces their animal and beast nature, acquires a human nature and becomes a rational people of God.
Now let us answer the question: “Why will there not be systemic democratic changes in Georgia in the coming years?” Because after November 28, 2024, when the Government of Bidzina Ivanishvili in Georgia announced the suspension of the process of negotiations with the European Union regarding Georgia’s integration into this Union, the protesting people, to whom the political demands were imposed by the opposition parties and their televisions, did not put forward demands for the restoration of the process of the country’s integration into the EU and the implementation of systemic state reforms that would transform public administration, its content, view and form, into a truly democratic one. Instead, the country's existing opposition parties set unrealistic goals for themselves and waste international democratic potential, which is being wasted (except for sanctions). They talk about new parliamentary elections and the release of people who have committed a criminal offense (I do not mean those convicted whose criminal offenses the Prosecutor's Office could not prove). And this shows that the opposition parties of Georgia are not fighting for the substantial establishment of democratic governance in the country, but merely for replacing the ruling party of Georgia in the existing authoritarian governance. This is a Talmudic fraud that the people of Georgia have seen many times. The ruling party will not hold new elections, for obvious reasons, it is already preparing for local government elections. But it would have gone for systemic reforms and restoration of the integration process with the European Union, if there was a corresponding demand from the people and opposition parties. At the same time, I would remind everyone that Georgia (Caucasian Iberia) was not Europe for thousands of years, but historically was dependent on the Persian Empire for centuries, was part of the Arab Caliphate, was part of Turkey (Western Georgia), Iran (Eastern Georgia) and the Russian Empire, but which, for the first time in its history, became one of the most developed industrial and agricultural countries in the world only as part of the Soviet Union. The same applies to Russia and the other former Soviet Republics, but in a different historical context. In other words, our peoples created all this economic wealth over the course of almost one century, which made their lives and future secure, stable, safe, and dignified. However, the Talmudic so-called perestroika people, criminals who came to power through violence, under false national slogans, destroyed these fundamental life foundations of our peoples, destroyed their a whole century's labor, the labor of a whole century, criminally stole and sold all of this, lowering our peoples and countries to the rank of shameful and mentally underdeveloped developing countries, among states in an eternal economic crisis. The lying Talmudists, the conscious enemies of their nations, now call these criminals "national heroes", while they were 100% criminals and did more harm to their nations than even foreign invaders did. They do not even deserve to rest in the ground, considering the misfortunes they have inflicted on our nations, their present and future. And what about the Talmudists? They have monopolized the state budget of our developing, that is, underdeveloped countries, and are growing fat on it, while they have left the vast majority of our nations on the sidelines of life.
Let me remind everyone that the Soviet Union, before the process of its destruction by the Talmudists, was better than the democratic countries of the world. That is why it had nationwide support and no foreign interventions could defeat it. Why was it so, why was our state better than the democratic countries? Because in the USSR everything was real, honest, fair, legal, everything was developing, being created. Equality, morality, legality, production, agriculture, food products, everything was real. And what are the so-called democratic countries based on? On lies, deliberate deception, on making money through fraud, in most cases without creating anything, on stock market speculation, falsifications, theft and destruction of competitors, including at the international level. The capitalist state is, in fact, one big criminal community, which is stuffed with various human rights organizations that never fulfill or cannot fulfill their purpose in the Talmudic system of unconstitutional governance, because they do not have the legal capacity to do so. In other words, they only perform the function of a psychotherapist for a mentally inadequate society. The Talmudic cult of personality exists in all capitalist countries, in which the head of state can do whatever he subjectively wants, therefore all nations and different peoples look up to such a President, and adapt to the desires of this cult, an idol, which the Commandments of God forbid to worship. This is the cult of the Talmudic personality, as well as the possibility of its voluntaristic lawlessness. This was not the case in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, with whom anyone could freely debate as long as he was right about something and did not commit criminal offenses. Joseph Stalin won World War II against Hitler's fascism (the atomic bombing of Japan by the United States occurred after that. And the United States and England only joined the war between the USSR and Hitler's fascism, which lasted from 1941 to 1945, in 1944). Joseph Stalin, together with his allies the United States and England, created a post-war just world on the planet, which lasted until the illegal violation of territorial integrity and the dissolution of the USSR, without taking into account the wishes of the majority of the population of this country. Without Joseph Stalin and the USSR, the human world again has returned to the era of wild, aggressive wars of the Middle Ages, without them, morality, justice, and the rule of law have disappeared from the earth, and humanity has begun to be replaced by brutality, atrocity. The human face that the democratic world acquired in competition with the moral Soviet Union has begun to disappear, it is no longer present in politics, which already disregards the statutory documents and international legal norms of the UN. Politicians chronically lie, in order to achieve their subjective private goals, by deceiving peoples. Even the USA, which is considered a center of democracy, legality, has a functional economy, it still has a large part of the population that is bereaved, and in the international arena it tries to destroy not enemies, but states that economically compete with it or surpass it. Do forest animals act differently?! To be honest, the people of Georgia do not care at all who will rob them, the pro-Russian state power or the pro-American one. Therefore, the Georgian opposition is wrong when it tries to isolate the Government of Bidzina Ivanishvili from the European Council and the Union. This could lead to Bidzina Ivanishvili fully committing to integration with Russia, something he has not done so far, and he may even agree to the role of Belarus, which is ahead of Georgia and many other post-Soviet countries in economic development. After all, Bidzina Ivanishvili has already moved all his companies to Georgia, and this clarifies a lot about his future plans.
P.S. Dear citizens, pay attention to how the capitalist system of state governance works. For example, the Bank of the ruler of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili financed businessman Giorgi Bachiashvili for 5 million, who worked on the creation of cryptocurrency. After some time, this businessman returned 5 million dollars to Ivanishvili's Bank, and also gave him some amount cryptocurrency. Years passed, this G. Bachiashvili expanded his business and supported the European integration of Georgia. The Prosecutor's Office and the Court of Bidzina Ianishvili opened a criminal case against him and began the trial. Documentary evidence was presented that Bidzina Ivanishvili financed the said businessman with 5 million dollars, which he returned to Bidzina Ivanishvili's Bank. But no evidence was presented that Giorgi Bachiashvili allegedly stole bitcoins, a cryptocurrency, from Bidzina Ivanishvili. Despite this, all of this businessman's bank accounts in Georgia were unconstitutionally blocked, and all of his life opportunities were cut off. This is how the anti-constitutional system of Talmudic criminal management works in Georgia. At the same time, I remind you that I have shares, 100% proof of my ownership in certain enterprises in Georgia, but the Prosecutor's Office criminally refuses to protect my property and encourages the criminal theft of my property ...
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, January 25, 2025.
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