Merry Christmas to Everyone!! Here my "Carol of the Bells" video!
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ALL the sounds you hear were created by different parts of the piano!
The showed video is my first published work; a "creative" and "entertaining experiment" conceived with the purpose of wishing a genuine and heartfelt Merry Christmas to everyone, hoping that this could be a very special day for everybody, full of happiness and smiles!
A special thanks to Giovanni Pagano, Alberto Soraci, Franco Liberati - Radici Muicali, Cromo Camera, Giovanni Golini, Giuseppe di Leo, Coro Beato Nunzio, Cristina Mancini, Serena di Berardino, My mum, My dad, My sister Mariachiara Marrone and all my friends!
Arranged, Played, Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Angelo Marrone.
Filmed by Cromo Camera.
Video editing Angelo Marrone
Angelo Marrone è un musicista, arrangiatore e compositore italiano, diplomato presso il conservatorio di musica Luisa d'Annunzio di Pescara in "Contemporary Writing and Arranging" e prosegue gli studi in composizione classica.
Attualmente collabora con diverse realtà musicali che lo hanno portato a muoversi e viaggiare con la sua musica.
Il video presentato è il primo lavoro pubblicato ufficialmente; un esperimento creativo e divertente per augurare a tutti, di vero cuore, un felice Natale e sante feste con la speranza che tutti possano sorridere in questo giorno speciale.
Angelo Marrone is an italian musician, music arranger and composer. After graduating in "contemporary..." at the "Luisa D'Annunzio Music Conservatory" in Pescara, he continued his studies in classical composition. He is currently experimenting and collaborating in, many different "music realities", traveling and moving from place to place with his music around the world. The following video is his first published work; "a creative and entertaining experiment" conceived with the purpose of wishing a genuine and heartfelt "merry christmas" to everyone, hoping that this could be a very special day for everybody, full of happiness and smiles.